A world for all of us

by greendawn 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    When people are with the JWs one of the tactics they use to deter them from leaving is the fear of the world, with typical cunning they over-emphasize its negative things, down play or ignore its positive things, and make sweeping generalisations about its nature. In reality the world has everything and you can choose what you want to be or make out of life eg you can be a self denying saint or a sex crazed womaniser and nobody cares. That is the golden abundance of the world and it belongs to all and I reconnected with it after leaving the JWs with that thought. I can have the world and not be had by it. What were your experiences on this issue?

  • Daunt

    I view "the world" much the same way. Im trying to get rid of my irrational beliefs that have been driven into me in the dubs but I really would wish people would stop putting up barriers between themselves and just live with each other, and solve problems not make problems that can be easily diverted. Dunno if it can happen but in the meantime I have too much to learn about the world to worry bout that stuff.

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    To be considered a "worldy" person is a compliment. To people outside the Watchtower "worldly" means well rounded, knowing and wise.

  • greendawn

    Daunt, putting up barriers is a necessity for the survival of the WTS it has to isolate its members from the world in order to maintain its hold on them, as it were for them it's a crucial political necessity and thus at the centre of their mind control strategy. A very good article on this (and general mind control tactics of the WTS) can be found at http://users.uniserve.com/~renford/persuade.htm

  • Carmel

    "Mankind is one and we are rapidly becoming world citizens". Sooner or later the reality of the oneness of humanity and all that implies will have to be engraved on the conciousness of the body politic. We have scoundrals and saints in all races, classes, religions and nationalities. The gradual awareness of our common state is moving forward imprecepibly. It cannot be stopped, with all the JWs and Talabans of the world.


  • Daunt

    That's how I feel Camel. Looking at modern events and the way people are communicating with other people around the world, it seems like it will be a world citizenship soon, I'm looking forward to something changing. Feel that this will impact my lifetime quite a bit also, sounds great. And btw, just wondering, who said that quote?

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