Adam & Eve

by startingover 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ShadowX
  • Carmel


    Question. -- What is the truth of the story of Adam, and His eating of the fruit of the tree?

    Answer. -- In the Bible it is written that God put Adam in the garden of Eden, to cultivate and take care of it, and said to Him: "Eat of every tree of the garden except the tree of good and evil, for if You eat of that, You will die."[1] Then it is said that God caused Adam to sleep, and He took one of His ribs and created woman in order that she might be His companion. After that it is said the serpent induced the woman to eat of the tree, saying: "God has forbidden you to eat of the tree in order that your eyes may not be opened, and that you may not know good from evil."[2] Then Eve ate from the tree and gave unto Adam, Who also ate; their eyes were opened, they found themselves naked, and they hid their bodies with leaves. In consequence of this act they received the reproaches of God. God said to Adam: "Hast Thou eaten of the forbidden tree?" Adam answered: "Eve tempted Me, and I did eat." God then reproved Eve; Eve said: "The serpent tempted me, and I did eat." For this the serpent was cursed, and enmity was put between the serpent and Eve, and between their descendants. And God said: "The man is become like unto Us, knowing good and evil, and perhaps He will eat of the tree of life and live forever." So God guarded the tree of life.[3]
    [1 Cf. Gen. 2:16-17.]
    [2 Cf. Gen. 3:5.]
    [3 Cf. Gen. 3:11-15,22.] 123

    If we take this story in its apparent meaning, according to the interpretation of the masses, it is indeed extraordinary. The intelligence cannot accept it, affirm it, or imagine it; for such arrangements, such details, such speeches and reproaches are far from being those of an intelligent man, how much less of the Divinity -- that Divinity Who has organized this infinite universe in the most perfect form, and its innumerable inhabitants with absolute system, strength and perfection.

    We must reflect a little: if the literal meaning of this story were attributed to a wise man, certainly all would logically deny that this arrangement, this invention, could have emanated from an intelligent being. Therefore, this story of Adam and Eve who ate from the tree, and their expulsion from Paradise, must be thought of simply as a symbol. It contains divine mysteries and universal meanings, and it is capable of marvelous explanations. (Abdu'l-Baha, Some Answered Questions, p. 122)


  • startingover

    I think Americans sometimes think more of themselves that they should. I used to think we were superior than the rest of the world, but after my first trip to Europe, I realized how dumb we Americans are sometimes. The bidet is just one example of practical useful things Europeans use that Americans don't. Water rinsing truly is a good idea.

    But, if A & E simply swished their butts around in the lake or stream while bathing we all know what kinds of issues that eventually causes. For water to be an effective method, an elaborate sewer system is also needed. If there was a creator it doesn't seem he thought things out very well. How many years did it take until man figured out that unsanitary conditions could cause death?


    Man would not be driven by greed, even cars are being made to run with less gasoline. I think of paradise as the best of the old and new combined, without polluting the earth, hurting mankind, or nature

    IMO, that's just wishful thinking. To get what we have now, you have to have an industrialized society. I think we have paradise right now and don't know it.

  • Abaddon

    Like many things in the Bible, if you actually think about what is written, you end up with a religious version of bad sci-fi; aliens are so close to humanity the difference is basically their appearance. They're humans in zipper suits. There is seldom any attempt to provide an ecology or context for behaviours arrising.

    Likewise, once you think about the day-to-day life of either Adam or Eve or Noah, or the Israelites in the wilderness, one is unable to make it make sense; where indeed did Adam sleep? No mention of 'at last here is a tent, my tent, bed, my bed, and slit-trench, my slit-trench'. What about Noah's problem with animal poop, even if all other questions are assumed answered?

    How many clues do we need to make us realise it's a STORY!

  • Terry

    The amazing thing about the Adam & Eve story is the first human's utter lack of curiousity about "why"?

    Any child will "why?" you to death as a parent.

    But, these full grown tykes never ask their heavenly benefactor that ultimate brain-feeding necessity.

    Contrari-wise, God asks the humans a lot of questions; and, you'd think he'd already know the answers.

    The story is full of plot-holes and utter lack of regard for cause and effect.

    1.God "tests" obedience in humans. You perform a test when you DON'T KNOW the result until the test has been performed. God "didn't know?" what his "perfect" work would prove?

    2. Eve is "deceived". When you are deceived you are fooled. A person fooled or duped into commiting a crime is guilty under mitigating circumstances. Adam was the head CEO of humans inc. His bad action wasn't the result of deception, but, choice. Eve takes the fall and her gender must be dominated as a result! Justice? Adam's gender stays in the seat of power. Tsk tsk.

    3. "You will surely die" becomes ambiguous mush when examined as a warning. "In the day that you eat" is also mushy ambiguity. These words have to be re-defined out of ordinary usage to faintly resemble truth on God's lips. Rubber words to be stretched as needed.

    4.No sex in the garden! Oh yeah, sure, perfectly healthy humans with functioning sex organs and fully naked would not engage in sex for a long time. Oh brother! Who buys into this without twisting their mind into a knot?

    5.Human babies inheriting "sin"!!!??? This is the most absurd and medieval notion of all. If I shoot the president my great grand children won't have to go to Death Row will they? Of course not, they had no part in my action in any way. You CANNOT inherit sin. That is St. Augustine's crazy theory. Very convenient to make us feel like unworthy nasties.

    Bah, humbug.


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