If the WTS started off in Australia, do you think they would be different?

by inquirer 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • inquirer

    Or do you think they would be still be demanding and cult like?

    do you think they would be a little more laid back in Australia?

    There would possibly be someone with a similar name, a lot of Irish people came to Australia as well. Russell is an Irish name...

  • Dark Knight
    Dark Knight

    Yeah, instead of brothers they'd all be called mates. :P

  • Elsewhere

    Instead of having a Watchtower as a logo they would have a Diggery Do.

  • Stephanus


    But seriously, folks, to see what Australian high control cults are like, simply look back to around Russell's time and you'll find two good examples: the so-called "Paraguay Experiment" and Oneness Pentecostalism.

    The first was an attempt at creating a communist utopia in Paraguay - it was meant to be paradise on Earth, but soon collapsed under its own weight.


    The second was invented by a bloke from Melbourne named Frank Ewart during the pentecostal revival movement in the US, during the "teens", a movement that eventually grew to become what we now know as the Assemblies of God. Oneness Pentecostalism split off from the mainstream of the movement, and is very strict: you will go to Hell unless you are baptised in the name of Jesus only, you aren't saved unless you are Baptised in the Holy Spirit which is evidenced by speaking in tongues, Jesus alone is God - no Trinity, women are in subjection and don't cut their hair, members don't watch TV.

    So you can see that we're just as capable of creating nutty and annoying cults; we're only behind the US because of our smaller population!

  • blondie

    So are you saying, that there aren't any cults that started in Australia?

  • Lehaa

    don't know but i'm sure it would be a little more laid back.

    Oh yeah and we would pay for literature with slabs of beer.

    And there would always be a barbie after the Watchtower study.

  • Stephanus
    So are you saying, that there aren't any cults that started in Australia?

    Nahh! Example: our own home grown whacko, "Little Pebble" - he's only a "stone's throw" from me here in Wollongong, near a place called Nowra. He managed to spawn a doomsday cult (if only by inspiration).


    I seem to remember one which started in Melbourne around Russell's time - something to do with the re-establishment of Israel - pretty similar to the Christadelphians, IIRC, but I can't remember enough to be able to re-find the details on the 'net.

  • Stephanus

    BTW, Elsewhere, that's the worst spelling of didjeridu I've ever seen!

  • Lehaa
    BTW, Elsewhere, that's the worst spelling of didjeridu I've ever seen!

    I think you might want to try "didgeridoo"

  • Lehaa

    hey i just checked, do you know how many ways there are to spell it


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