Demons and Inanimate Objects - Unbiblical?

by VM44 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • VM44

    The Watchtower Society has for years written that demons might attach themselves
    to inanimate objects, which an unwary JW might bring home. The demons then
    proceed to torment the witness until the object is removed and destroyed, preferably
    by burning.

    Where in the Bible is it said that demons attach themselves to objects?

    If it is not in the Bible, then the Watchtower is guilty of promoting superstition, and
    instead of setting people free, they are enslaving them in bondage to fear.

    Or is it another way to control the people?


  • noidea

    To keep the JW's out in service on Saturday's instead of going to yard sales. LOL

  • AGuest

    Dearest VM44... may you have peace!

    The WT teaching is false. Demons are live... albeit spirit... beings, and therefore must inhabit things that have spirit in THEM: animals and people... and perhaps plants (plants are a LIFE form).

    It is only the FALSE gods, those whose worshippers made idols to represent them... idols that have eyes but cannot see, ears but cannot hear, mouths but cannot speak, legs but cannot walk... that are inanimate.

    The 'Society' uses such 'superstition' to control the flock of God and 'mislead, if possible, even the holy ones.' They succeed, to some great extent, but not entirely. For those of that flock that hear the voice of my Lord, are led out. They QUIT touching the 'unclean' that is the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of the Religious Order of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and Kingdom Service... Incorporated... an 'idol' in its own right.

    It is the 'golden calf' set up by the previous generation in place my Father, JAH OF ARMIES, due to the 'delay' of the Master... "Moses", my Lord JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... the 'mediator' of a NEW Covenant, while he is away 'preparing a place' for us. Just as Moses took too long to come back down the mountain and the people cried out for a god that they could SEE to worship... and 'built' a golden calf with their gold... and called IT 'Jehovah'... so, too, the WTBTS has established its VISIBLE 'representation of the Lord on earth'... has breathed life into it by means of its two horns... The Watchtower and Awake!... and tell all those on the earth... to worship IT. And they, too, call it 'Jehovah'.

    I am grateful that you see the error, VM44. May I ask, now that you 'see', have you yet 'heard' the good news of the kingdom? It is a simple invitation, one that invites YOU... as well as all who 'wish' it... to:

    "COME! Take 'life's water'... free!

    I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • noidea


    Well done!
    I had not thought about them needing a life form. (or should I say that I had not been allowed to think that). I guess that is why they asked Jesus to send them into the bodies of the swine. Matt. 8:31

  • rudyskid

    And the Smerfs were so evil and demonic too!

  • NeonMadman

    Isn't this a teaching of the Voodoo religion?

  • julien
    The WT teaching is false. Demons are live... albeit spirit... beings, and therefore must inhabit things that have spirit in THEM: animals and people... and perhaps plants (plants are a LIFE form).

    how is this claim more credible than the witnesses thinking demons can inhabit objects? Its all spooky superstition boogy man stuff anyway; you can't prove demons exist, nor that a "spirit being" whatever the heck that is, must inhabit something with "spirit" in it.. what is spirit anyway?

  • joelbear

    I joined an explorer's club when I was a kid and got all kinds of really neat stuff from different countries. My mom threw it all out because she was afraid it was demonized.

    When I was a pioneer I threw away a bunch of strawberries that one of my mother's bible studies had given her because my mother got real depressed and I thought the strawberries might be demonized.

    I'm a fairly intelligent person and I believed in demonized strawberries.

    berry big hugs


  • AGuest

    May you all have peace!

    Dearest NeonMadman, you are correct... voodoo 'religion' believes that spirits inhabit inanimate objects. "Funny", ain't it, how the WT folks don't 'see' that.

    Dearest Noidea, yes... you are correct. That is why the demons weren't simply released, but sent into swine. What is even more noteworthy, however, is why the swine were sent into the sea. It was for the same reason that a flood was sent in Noah's day: while fire can destroy a spirit... water... can 'bind' it (i.e., imprison it). Thus, it is such 'spirits' that are referred to in Revelation when John stated, "The sea... gave up those dead... in it." Indeed, there's a lot more to water... physical AND spiritual... than most know. Both are necessary for a great many more reasons than only preserving life.

    But then, who cares... none of these things are of much interest to 'terrestrial' flesh, yes?

    Again, I bid you all peace,

    A slave of Christ,




    I second that AGUEST......

    Good question huh???

    Hello WTBS.....when EVER has a demon possessed ANYTHING NOT LIVING???
    They aren't even as ignorant as the society is.
    The society gives them waaaaayyyyy too much credit and power.

    But as others mentioned. Keeps them in fear therefore, keeps them in bondage!

    JUST A MOM (Kim)

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