by Shawn 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Brummie

    Bebu you never heard of the "toronto blessing"? In England we had so much of it and many were travelling out there to recieve it. When I was in Canada in 1998 I was invited to go to the Airport Toronto church and refused point blank. I read their literature beforehand and was repulsed by it.

    I havent read the following url but it gives an overview of the Toronto, I just did a search and this is what came up:

  • bebu

    Thanks Brummie.

    I've been reviewing a bit of Alpha information for our church--haven't seen the tapes, tho'. Someone from our church told me that we'd likely have to edit or adjust the one they do about the Holy Spirit... so I'll be looking carefully at it esp in regards to how it "pushes" this Toronto Blessing thing. Thanks for the heads up!

    (BTW, I'd heard of the TB, but just as some laughing/falling fad.)


    PS: Saw a funny Christian cartoon a long time ago... the traveling evangelist says to the man in front of him, "Lawd-a, please heal him of narcolepsy!" and the man closes his eyes, smiles, and falls backwards with a dreamy "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh..."

  • Pubsinger

    What sort of a church do you go to bebu?

  • Pubsinger

    I went on Alpha 5 years ago after leaving WT. It was great. Open, not geared around one denomination and not dogmatic. Toronto blessing is not mentioned once. Catholic churches run it in my town too

  • bebu

    Thanks for the input, pubsinger. At present, I attend a Nazarene church, but I've been to lots of good churches thru the years.


  • Shawn

    I am going to call them tomorrow and see what is up.

  • jgnat

    I have recommended people to Alpha as an alternative to the WT study. If the program is followed, there should be no pressure to join anything. There should be no spirit-led freak-out events. If the hosts are not following the format. If I heard that such a thing was happening, I would recommend the seekers to try another program in a different church.

    I like it because many different kinds of churches run it. The bright, colorful posters are hard to miss, and I delight in pointing them out to my JW honey. See? The churches can get along.

  • AuntieJane

    I have a friend who attended w. her JW boyfriend; they liked it, I haven't heard from her for awhile so don't know what they did after that. She was looking for alternatives to the KH for him. I would agree with others, check out who is hosting it in your area. I wouldn't think a JW would be inclined to attend a Pentecostal sponsored, and probably not a Catholic sponsored ALPHA. Perhaps a middle of the road conservative Protestant, like Methodist, Lutheran, etc.

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