Has anyone had a hard time getting over a romantic relationship?

by love2Bworldly 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • love2Bworldly

    I was dating someone for 18 months before I broke it off--he didn't want a committment and he would not even say that someday we might end up together as a couple. It's been 2 years since we broke up and we both married other people.

    I was deeply in love with this person, even with every last ounce of my soul. (It was complicated and we both had kids.) I married on the rebound from him but it's working out ok for me and my kids.

    But sometimes I still feel a stabbing pain in my heart when I think of him. I have never felt so devastated by a break-up before (I have been divorced twice.)

    Am I crazy to still feel so hurt by it? He said he promised himself he would never remarry, and remarried someone a year after our break-up. I realize I just was not the one for him, but why do I still feel so hurt and bad after 2 years? He acted like he was so in love with me but did not try to get me back when I walked away. I guess I'm just dumb, I'm assuming that he just wanted sex without committment. But we did a lot of things together--church every Sunday, grocery shopping, sports, earth-shattering sex. I thought he was just absolutely wonderful and he treated me like a queen.

    What's wrong with me? (this has nothing to do with JW's, or maybe it is related to being abandoned?)

  • upside/down

    Best cure to get over a "romantic relationship"..... marry the person.

    just kidding..


  • Dan-O

    "Best cure to get over a "romantic relationship"..... marry the person."

    Wedding cake ... the cure for romance. *LOL*

    I dunno, Love2. seems like at the core of a good relationship you have to love & support yourSELF in order to create a solid marriage. In this instance, I think loving yourself includes recognizing that it was best to walk away from your previous relationship. Enjoy the one you have.

  • Astrid

    I have had a similiar experience, but years have passed and when i seen him again i realized hes not the same person as he used to be and for that i feel greatful it is over.

    Alothough rebound is not good for you and your kids.. the best thing to do is take time to deal with your feelings and the move on , its not fair to you, your children or husband, would you want someone to marry you as a second choice.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    It took me about 5 years to get over the heartbreak I experienced with my first true love.

    Now, many years have gone by and I cannot explained what was it that attracted me to him. I even find him ugly now! He trned out to be quite the wife beater and cheater too! Am I glad we broke up back then!


  • beebee

    Oh yeah, I take breakups pretty hard, and still harbor a feeling about the few serious past loves that "if things had been different, we'd still be together." I don't know how common that is, or if it is a chick thing, I just know that's how I am.

    I used to spend a lot of time on the relationship boards and have written on them (I'm a writer by trade) and I have my own theories based on some common observations.

    First of all, men and women typically deal with breakups differently, even though both may hurt as badly. Men like to get their mind off that person by getting involved with someone else. Women tend to mourn first and move on later. Thus his quick marriage may have been a rebound to avoid thinking about you.

    As to why they will marry someone else, well heck I've had that happen so many times I used to joke how they "always marry the very next girl" (actually true for me except for 2). I also joke I must scare them out of dating! Anyway, I think a better possibility is that some women make it clear very early on that marriage is an expectation and are not afraid to push the "commit or I'm gone" button. The rest of us whine about wanting to take it to the next level, they usually push us a way, then we take them back without requiring them to make the desired commitment. Do it often enough and they never take you seriously. What's more I think that they begin to become less likely to ever commit.

    I have advised friends (have one who wants to marry her guy of 2 years very badly who hasn't heeded the advice) that they have to decide exactly what they really want from this guy. If you are seeking a husband, is he truly the man you can live with for the rest of your life or are you more in love with the idea of marriage? If the answer is positive, then you need to set a deadline for yourself. I don't believe in rushing into marriage, but there are different levels of commitment, including sex, exclusivity, living together, etc. You do have to take into account his values and time table, but if you really want more, you may have to make that clear. Most of all, you have to be ready to say "this is what I want and if you don't share that desire then perhaps we need to part ways," and you need to mean it.

    Truth is, if you can't get what you want from someone, then you really need to move on and find someone who can deliver. Most of us are so afraid to lose this partner, that we haven't the courage to stand up for ourselves. For someone who is afraid to commit (or even just happy with the status quo), it may take a genuine risk of losing you for them to make a decision.

    You said you did marry someone else. What did you do differently in that relationship that got you to the alter? You may find some answers there.

    The other possibility is that the other guy is a true commitment phobic person and even a CP will marry if the other partner threatens to leave. Unfortunately it doesn't always mean they are happy or will be a good and faithful spouse.

    I don't know you, I don't know him, but I suspect some of this came into play. I think it also helps to remember that as time passes, we remember more of the good, than the bad. That's how second children are born because if the memories of morning sickness, labor pains, and newborn colic were stronger than the good memories, no one would ever get pregnant twice! It is possible that what you are feeling now has more to do with the good memories overpowering the problems. It is also possible that there were aspects of the old relationship that were more exciting than the current one. No relationship is perfect, so you may be comparing some things.

    Enjoy your current spouse. The bird in the hand is definitely worth more than 2 in the bush, and relax, I strongly doubt, even from what little you said, that he was only in it for the sex. Odds are he enjoyed far more of you than that or you wouldn't have been together so long.

  • dins

    Bee Bee, good advice and well put. I would have probably said the same thing. And although I would have said the same thing, I am going through the same dilemma. I've had an on/off relationship with someone for over three years. He as a "girlfriend" in a neighboring state, although they rarely see eachother, and according to him, she's selfish and psycho. I believed this for a while; I also believed him when he told me a few months ago that it was finished for good. I finally thought perhaps he'd had enough. So I saw him last week and slept with him for the first time in a long time, thinking he was truly finished with her. I have a strong connection with this man. Every time I see him my heart flips...anyway...

    This Sunday I was out with friends for dinner and met a most extraordinary man. We ended up talking for four hours. I told him things I wouldn't dream of telling a complete stranger, and he told me that he was in remission from cancer and had also survived a heart attack. He's just 40. He's charming, cultured and successful, and from what vibe I got, sincere. Anyway, made plans to see eachother when he comes back from a business trip.

    Driving home from this extraordinary meeting, I got to thinking about the first man and how I would have liked things to work out and perhaps I should just lay in all on the line. Every time he would bring "us" up I would say there wasn't an us or change the subject. So I decided to drive over to his place and just spill my guts. What did I have to lose anyway that I didn't lose over three years. Anyway, imagine my shock when I saw her car out front. I had a mix of emotions, much of which was anger at myself for being such an idiot. I wanted to just tie up the loose ends once and for all. Well, I guess I got my answer.

    He called me and I am seeing him tonite. Don't know what to say. He mentioned she was up and I asked if they were back together, and did he get the ring back. He said yes and no but didn't want to talk about it at work.

    I think I am going to speak my mind once and for all. I finally have the courage. After all, he's been lying to her for three years.

    Wish me luck!


  • beebee

    Good luck Diana,

    Just remember this when you start to get all weak in the knees - if he's been lying to her all this time, he's not a good husband candidate. In my past experience, when they've had a girlfriend in the background (it's happened a few times) they've never ended up committing to me OR them. I think the other woman is just their way of telling YOU that they aren't going to make a commitment. It's a way of creating a distance. After all, if she were really that bad, he'd have cut it off completely long ago, psycho or not (and this kind of guy can make a nice girl very crazy).

    I have learned so much about relationships in the last couple of years and wonder why I'd been such a dope for so long. I can't believe what I put up with!

    One warning about this guy - a lot of times being commitment phobic is part of a need to control issue. It is very possible, maybe even likely that once you tell him YOU are done, he'll be back. (didn't you say that's already happened once?) However, unless you are bold enough to ask if he's really ready to date on your terms, odds are nothing has changed, and even if he agrees, a true CP will think that's what he wants (not meaning to be sexist...women do this too) but will bolt again, usually within a month or two.

    I'd love to know what societal forces have made our generation so damn disfunctional when it comes to forming good relationships!

  • love2Bworldly

    Dins--wish you much luck, it is so hard to break it off with someone you love.

    Beebee--thanks so much! I know he loved me, I guess I just needed validation. He was definitely a committment-phobic person but I don't know why he married the next lady in line. We email each other a few times a year just to say merry christmas or whatever. He emailed me 2 weeks ago and was asking if he could call me. I just today wrote him back and said no. I know he cheated on his first wife, and I don't trust him to try to get me to cheat with him. I could never hurt my spouse that way or run around lying because I would hate myself. For some reason I can't let him go, so I end up emailing him every few months. Then I'm mad at myself for keeping any kind of friendship going. I know eventually we will lose contact with each other, but I guess I'm not ready for that yet. And I need to allow myself the ability to grieve as long as I feel like I need to.

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    Diana good luck! Sounds like you know what you have to do, he's been lying to her, then he's lying to you...it's clear that's not what you want anymore. Any man (or woman) that has another relationship going isn't worth the time. Much easier to say from the outside looking in of course.

    I've found it difficult to get over my ex, he married right away after we broke up, and normally it would be ok for me to go through the mourning & move on, but I have to see him every single week and he brings the new wife with him. He acts as tho we never had a relationship (I guess somehow I managed to give birth to our son tho) and that is hard for me. Bringing her along and acting happy & perfect always seems like a slap in the face to me, but I see thru the lie. I know him, I know what he's done and I know why he did what he did. In those moments when it's just the two of us, (discussing our son) I can see it in his eyes. The good part of that is the only thing that stops me from taking two fingers & poking him in those melancholy eyes is the fact I know that he knows he screwed up. He has a part to play however, and he is doing his best to convince himself that he's happy.

    I have my moments of "what if" but I've found, with time, those are few & far between. My heart no longer skips a beat when I see him or think about what she might have that I don't have and what not. Now when I see him I wonder what the heck I was thinking, he's pure evil most of the time and it's hard for me not to react to his idiocy, I have our son to think about there.

    I think my biggest problem is dealing with his hypocrasy. Knowing he wasn't as into his religion as he pretends to be now, being a good little dub with his good little wife. Well, I've seen her other side and it ain't pretty, she's insecure and I guess it's easier to hate me than to hate the reason she's in her situation. I know she's got issues with him, but they must put on a happy face for everyone, especially me. Now that they have a new baby, I'm sure it's hard. He never was one for responsibility and well, now he's got it ten fold, and the cracks are showing. Revenge?? Nah..I feel sorry for that new baby more than anything. The man lives a lie, what does that mean for the baby?

    IT does get better. Yes sometimes you only remember the good times, but my head has taken over for my heart and I know now that there were bad times as well and that is why we are where we are in our lives. Now my job is to make sure our son doesn't come out of this a stark raving lunatic! I have to be civil for the sake of my son.

    Take care, it does get better! I've got 2 great kids to occupy my time and the knowledge that I'm much happier now with my life and it's because he's no longer in it. I look forward to my next challenges hopefully a little wiser!!


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