JW Reaction to Pope's death

by Hondo 19 Replies latest social current

  • Hondo

    I'm not sure how to ask this not being, never have been, a JW. With millions, maybe billions, of people around the globe paying their respects to this great man, what is, or what would be, reaction from JW's (A GB member, a CO, DO, an elder, anyone?) about the death of the Pope and all the network(s) coverage surrounding his passing? Happiness? No reaction? Negative reaction (after all the Pope's life, as are ours supposedly, is/was controlled by the Devil, right???)? Jealously (when a GB member, or a great JW person (are there any?) dies nothing like this happens!!!!)? Would there be a special JW prayer said for Pope John Paul II? Would there be sympathy? Any condolences sent to a local Catholic church?

    Just curious.


  • hubert

    I've been wondering the same thing. I think we'll have to wait until the next issue of Awake or Watchtower to come out, for the answer. Might be very interesting. I doubt if they say anything positive about him, though.


  • Hondo

    It will be interesting hubert. Just about every other religion is paying some sort of respect to the man. I figure the Watchtower Society and JW's, as God's "chosen" (???) organization and people, would have something to say. Your right, they may wait till next WT or awake.

  • Elsewhere

    <----- The JW response sanctioned by the WTS

  • Jez

    The speaker on Sunday mentioned that millions are mourning the loss of the pope, at that point I started to pay attention and he continued to say that, "surely this is even more evidence for creation, animals do not display such grief, only humans do".

    Yup, that is all he said, used it to support the talk about evolution. I was waiting for something negative to be said, but it wasn't.


  • willyloman

    Historic events like this are viewed by dubdom as another opportunity to find people perplexed or grieving and witness to them.

    I look back and still can't believe that when the Oklahoma bombing was big news 24/7 on television back in 1995, I didn't watch five minutes of it. But I did use the news out in FS to suggest these were perilous times in which we lived and that God's kingdom was the only viable solution to hatred and violence. I used to think these events didn't really happen to those of us who were "no part of the world," that they were just signs God gave us that we were on the right track. How foolish that was.

  • loosie

    Animals do pay respect to dead animals. Elephants mourn other dead elephants. As a group they stand around the bones and use there trunks to feel each bone of the elephant. Orca whales will beach their dead mate even if it means pushing the body for miles to get to the beach. And when one pet rat dies the others will die within weeks of the first one. Animals mourn. people mourn. Sorry to get off topic. But lets do a little research before we give a public talk.

    I don't think they will have much of a comment about the Pope. What can they say given the way they have put down catholics over the past years.

  • AuntieJane

    I'm not a JW either; did they hold services on Sunday? Anyone hear any other comments about the Pope? Or do they just meet on

    Tuesday nights?

  • Buster

    As others have said here, JWs are the religion that shoots it's wounded.

    How do you think they feel about a perceived enemy?

  • the_classicist

    JW's rarely make public comments about current events at meetings or official stuff. They would not send condolences to something they consider to be "The Whore of Babylon."

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