by MacHislopp 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    Following a web link provided by the …amazing grace of Blondie

    - Many thanks again - -

    -(see )

    I did made some research , and as a result I ended up

    writing to the author of the material used in the quotation

    by the WBTS Inc. Here below the text of my e-mail :


    To the attention of Jonathan Rauch - Editor

    e-mail : [email protected]

    Dear Jonathan,

    First allow me to introduce myself: my name is James Charles MacHislopp , and I do contribute to a forum – JWD – which deals with many topics i.e.religion, social life, bible subjects, medicine etc.

    I’sorry to bother you for what you might define a trivial matter,

    but the reason is ...a research made on what appeared to be just a quote printed on a religious magazine called

    ‘ The Watchtower’

    with an average printing of each issue of 26,439,000 copies

    in 15o languages.

    The quote was printed in ' The Watchtower' issue of

    February 15 th 2005, page 12 paragraph #1 of the study article


    Here below the quotes :

    A commentator on religious affairs recently used that

    word to describe the stance many people maintain

    toward their faith. He explained: "The greatest

    development in modern religion is not a religion at

    all—it's an attitude best described as 'apatheism.'"

    Elaborating, he defined apatheism as "a disinclination

    to care all that much about one's own religion."

    Many people, he observed, "believe in God ...; they

    just don't care much about him."

    To better understand the matter, please bear in mind that the first paragraph , together with 19 others, were the object of a public ‘Watchtower study’ - a religious 60 minutes meeting - scheduled for Sunday 27 th March 2005, in more than 96,894 congregation worldwide, with attendance of well over SIX millions of people.

    Of course as you can see for yourself, your name was not mentioned at all, but as you might imagine, with today's technology the Internet world can and will provide a fast and accurate search.

    The result ...well it was a link to your biography:

    .JONATHAN RAUCH, a senior writer and columnist for National Journal magazine in Washington and a correspondent for The Atlantic Monthly, ..."

    etc. etc. and to this :

    " Saying No to 'I Do' By Jonathan Rauch

    First published December 27, 2004,

    in The Wall Street Journal. "

    and finally the link to the article used for the quotes:

    "Let it be"

    Please, do take a note that the Wt issue quoted , only 40 words out of a total of the possible 983 avalaible in your full text.

    The whole point of this is that , the religious organization

    that produces the magazine ‘ The Watchtower’, i.e.

    The Watch tower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc. ,

    25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn N.Y. 11201 –2483 USA

    can be hardly associated with your ideals, personal opinions and way life that you illustrate in the article.

    As a matter of fact the biblical principles and teaching promulgated and publicly taught worldwide by the the 'Watchtower Society ' and the ' Jehovah's Witnesss' in general are at opposite ends .

    Therefore I do find puzzling that ' theWatchtower Society' who delights in - allow me to use your own words for it -

    " discipline the religious mindset" would use and publish and make it part of a worldwide Bible' study program, material, quotes etc. from people that they always clearly condemn.

    In conclusion, if I have not disturbed you, I would be pleased

    to have your comments .

    Many thanks again for the time you took to read my e-mail,

    Sincerely ,

    James Charles MacHislopp


    I did include my new e-mail.

    I do hope that my letter will not offend anyone, and I’ll glad to

    receive any comments from you.

    Greetings, J.C. MacHislopp

    PS. If you wish to have my new e-mail, send

    me a message, because I couldn't changed

    the older one on this board.


    Woo Hoo...I like your style.


  • wannaexit

    My dear MacHislopp,

    It's so nice to hear from you. I have missed your posts very much.

    My husband also e-mailed Jonathan Rauch regarding his quote in last week's watchtower study.

    I wonder how many others have written to him and whether he will do something about it.


  • MacHislopp

    Hello wannaexit,

    thanks for your nice words. I do hope that Jonathan Rauch will answer

    our e-mail or even drops a line to this forum. It would be nice to read

    how he views the all matter. Personally, if I'll receive an answer, I'll

    post it on this thread.

    Greetings to you both,

    JC MacHislopp

  • ozziepost

    Well done, JCM, you're a star!


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