Update from u/d re: my dad's sitch...

by upside/down 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • upside/down

    Howdy everyone!

    I've been gone for a little over a week and I thought I'd give an update on my dad's sitch. As you might have read he had a couple of strokes.

    After all the testing etc. they found out that cancer caused the strokes. It's located on and around his corotid artery. It's un-operable. So they started chemo last Monday. In 9 weeks they start radiation.

    He is in very high spirits and is determined to whip it. So I took my kids out to see him and encourage him during this difficult time. He is doing WAY better than expected and is enduring his chemo extemely well (he claims he can hardly tell he's even having it). The doctors told him it would be the worst thing he ever experienced- go figure.

    So I visited with my "worldly" family played pool and drank beers in Laguna and Newport Beach and ....

    I got 3 (yes three) new tattoos! They look so bitchin!

    I actually feel pretty good despite everything that's been going on... I guess I'll enjoy the moment.

    Oh yeah.... and I didn't even rate to get an "invite" to the "Boremorial" this year... first time ever not to be there and I could give a flyin f*ck.



  • Bryan

    Wow, what news to find! I'm really glad your father has such wonderful spirits! As well, you seem to be taking it in stride. All my well wishes to your family and father.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • MerryMagdalene

    u/d !!! <Merry's doin da happy dance>

    So nice to hear an update from one of my favorite JWD badboyz !

    I know of more than one person who has overcome tremendous odds in their healing process, fueled by an indominatable spirit. Glad your Dad has that going for him !!!Continued good wishes are sent his way...

    Tatts, you say?!? How bout a little show-n-tell then? Give us a peek...

    All me best t'ya!


  • melmac

    U/D... it`s so great to know that your father is up and lively! The psychologic side of treatment is often so difficult. By being willing to fight your father increases his chances a lot! His natural defenses are going to be so much more effective. I hope everything will be all right eventually.

    All best wishes!

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