time travel

by tijkmo 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • gaiagirl

    How about preventing Constantine from decreeing Christianity to be the official religion of the Roman Empire in the early fourth century, which would have then avoided centuries of persecution against the non-christian peoples of Europe and Asia. Additionally, much of the science which was already known to the educated Greeks, Romans, Indians, and Chinese (such as the fact of a spherical earth revolving around the Sun, and the existence of other planets), would have not been lost, and the Dark Ages would never have begun.

  • purplesofa

    If I could go back I would make an effort to find my father. My mother divorced him and then forbid him to be in my life. He tried to contact me as an adult but my mother would not tell him where I was. I think he is dead now. If I could turn back time I would know him.........good or bad.

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I'd like to think that I'd be noble enough to travel back to first century Palestine about 25-26 A.D, giving me enough time to learn very basic aramaic, and decent enough latin. Then I'd be better equipped to see for myself what happened a few years later around Galilee and Jerusalem. But there's also the lazy side of me that would go for scooping up a massive lotto jackpot from the recent past and live on from there. If there were Powerball Lottos in Ancient Rome, I'd have it made.

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.
    I would travel back to Ancient Rome with a tank, tons of ammunition, and some machine guns and take over the world.

    Funny Classy ... like Caligula 2000

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