If JWs Are A Cult, I Believe Roman Catholicism Is Too

by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Just because a group is not considered "high control", it doesn't mean it isn't cultic.

  • JamesThomas

    My definition of a cult is very broad and includes every thing which entraps us within a belief system that takes our focus of attention away from this moment of existence (the only truth we have).
    In other words a cult would be that which supports and reinforces a conceptual, abstract and illusional reality.

  • Satanus

    Aww mini, don't be so cultic


  • iiz2cool

    I think it depends on the individual. In any group you'll find some who are given to extremes. I was a catholic before I was a JW, and to most it was just a sunday religion. Then there are the fanatics, like my sister who is trying to convert me back to catholicism. She lives and breathes her religion, worse than any JW I ever met.


  • minimus

    If a JW tried to tell you that you were ACTUALLY eating Christ's blood and flesh everytime you accepted Communion, you'd all say, "CULT!".

  • Flash

    Webster's Unabridged Dictionary

    6. a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox or extremist, with members often living outside conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader.

    Couldn't any religion be viewed as a cult by those outside of that particular religion? Especialy if the members are, in anyway, zealous.

  • minimus

    A cult might be viewed differently by whomever. Some cult fighters have, like Steven Hassan, their own view of what "qualifies" as a "cult". The Roman Catholic Mass is downright scary.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    we former BORG call JWs BORG, but the catholics are the true spirit of the BORG, assimulate and conquer and take

    what works from their victims.... very adaptable, JWs are dead by comparison and could never attain to the several hundred millions of followers the catholics have amassed

    but if they popped up just ten years ago fully formed as they are now, they would laughed out of existance, time has a way of legitimizing the truely idiotic and strange

  • minimus

    Zen---you're right!!

  • jaffacake

    Yeah, zen is right. And I suppose the most important issue is how much potential for harm a religion has. Yes its weird, but fairly harmless these days except for the guilt trips. You can stay away from a catholic church for 50 years having lived an immoral life, and just walk back in, no questions asked, and be treated the same as ayone else. I'm not saying whether this is right or wrong, just the way it is. They tend not to judge 'cos thats Jesus' job.

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