Didn't Go to the Memorial

by Undecided 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Oroborus21

    I did, I thought it probably started at 6:30 but it started at 6 so we were a bit late, missed about 20 minutes of the talking in the beginning.

    It was over in a heartbeat and we left immediately. My wife looked fabulous in her skin tight black pants and red leather jacket, my daughter we dressed nicely actually, and I wore suit pants, jacket and blue dress shirt NO TIE!!!!! I think this may be the first meeting that I ever attended without a tie! (not counting the Wester Ties, aka bolos that I used to wear sometimes). Afterwards, I told my wife that I would like to go to a few more meetings now and then but I won't be wearing a tie.

    bad, bad Eddie!


    REally though it was a hour in and out and very painless

    (no jokes please)

  • watchtowerhater

    Haven't been to a Memorial in over 20 yrs. Why bother when I can drink a whole bottle of wine and eat cheese with my crackers (unleavened) without having to leave home. No drinking and driving either. LOL

  • HappyDad

    I watched the Texas Tech vs. West Virginia game tonight and had beer and potato chips.

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah WVU.


  • googlemagoogle

    i went. was not as bad as i thought it would be. last year was worse, because i still believed a bit of that jesus stuff, and thought i would have to take from the symbols. this time i was just sitting in the back, listening to an old brother's jokes, chewing bubble gum and passing over the passover quickly.

  • JW83

    Good on you, RWagoner!

  • CoonDawg

    I let my wife go...and my stepdaughter and my grandson went with her....then I met them at a restaurant afterwards for a nice dinner. Worked for me.


  • confusedjw
    I spent an evening filled with love and laughter with my wife and children who do not shun me.

    {Shunning RWAGNOR so he can think of me as part of his extended family}

  • GetBusyLiving

    I drank beer and ate wings. Got a bit of a hangover today. Hey even Noah got trashed once right? Its all good.


  • glenwoodswoman

    havent been in 12 years..never even tought about it until all the posts about the memorial started to crop up.


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