Does anyone know someone DF'd for Apostasy that ended up going back?

by confusedjw 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • cooljoe

    well i have not seen such person ,it really hard to come back, only if jehovah want him back,if a person feels like disassocaiting himself and latter apostasying ,he will not go unpunished by jehovah ,when time comes.

  • Effervescent

    hmmm... that reminds me of the saying-

    "No good deed remains unpunished"

    I think the WTS has perfected that application.

  • jula71

    Nope, I've heard of no one. In fact I've even been told that if some one is DF'd for apostasy and dies "before the end comes" that will not be

    resurrected, most likely.

  • ValiantBoy

    Yep, Mattie R from Texarkana, AR

  • Ticker

    Ive heard of it, its not a big deal I dont think to the org. in letting them back in. The main worry they have and why the long period of wait for reinstatement could be due to their fear of such ones spreading the "truth about the truth" some time in the future to others. Thats my guess on why they prolong the reinstatement period, but their have been ones who have gone back but once your eyes have been opened its hard to re-close them and accept darkness.


  • jeanniebeanz
    well i have not seen such person ,it really hard to come back, only if jehovah want him back,if a person feels like disassocaiting himself and latter apostasying ,he will not go unpunished by jehovah ,when time comes.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....funny.... btw, welcome cooljoe... Jeannie

  • Junction-Guy

    To me that would be like a dog returning to its vomit. I imagine there are some people who were disfellowshipped for Apostasy but truly werent apostate, so that wouldnt count.

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