I have decided to sit down and talk with a JW any advice?

by MM090503 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MM090503

    Hi it's me again. I know I just made one post, but I have another.

    After the conversation with my bf tonight, I finally gave in and said I would sit down with a JW. I don't beleive the bs for one moment. I don't see the point in doing this, but if it will make my bf happy I'm willing to do it. I am bringing along with my (hopefully) my sister who is very strong in her faith and she is well versed in the bible.

    My question is this: I want to prepare myself with some amo to stump the JW's with. Any ideas. I need to get some major points across to my bf about how JW's are not the way to go and their wrong and whatever else I can do to open his eyes. I want to go in with a long list of questions. I would apperciate anyones help on this one. I have some time because we still have to set this stupid thing up soo...


  • Pwned

    If you bring up controversial things like 607,1975,generation of 1914, blood, child abuse they may label you an apostate and refuse to talk to you. I remember on service JW's were always suspicious of people who knew too much.

  • Spook

    1. How do you know the governing body exists?

    1.a. Have you met them?

    1.b. Could you identify them if you passed them in the street?

    1.c. Could you call them on the telephone?

    1.d. If we drove to NYC, would we be allowed to talk to them?

    2. Since the claim that one has a 'special relationship with god(s)' is an extraordinary claim, it requires extraordinary proof. What extraordinary proof do you have that an anonymously written magazine supposedly authored under the guidance of a dozen old men a thousand miles away who you can not possibly have a personal conversation with, offers any form of 'truth?'

    2.a. A fair way to analyze a claim of special access to truth would be to examine...

    2.b. Have they been true/false about what they say of the past? (bible prophecy, 607, global deluge in 2300 BCE, bible absurdities, innerancy, evolution...)

    2.c. Are they true/false about what they say in the present? (statistical misrepresentation on 'last days', dishonest claims about the state of religion in the world, bad use of quotes, improper portrayal of opponents.)

    2.d. Do their claims about the future seem valid to a majority of reasonable, unbiased people? (Common sense.)

    3. With these understandings in mind, is there anything left that amounts to more than an alternative interpretation of an unclear text?

  • talesin

    Tell them that you heard this and that about shunning.

    Ask them to explain the policy, why it is necessary ... whatever you feel comfortable with, but you get the general idea.

    They do not like this subject, as it highlights their intrinsic lack of love. ;)


  • Dragonlady76

    Simple, Don't sit and talk with them. It will be a waste of time. They use "circular reasoning".


  • the_classicist
    Simple, Don't sit and talk with them. It will be a waste of time. They use "circular reasoning".

    I second that motion.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Wear a clove of garlic around your neck and have a wooden stake in your purse just in case.


  • JW83


  • Crumpet

    Guys she has already agreed to do this! And besides if her boyfriend is going to be present maybe its a good opportunity for him to hear things about the Borg that otherwise he might not listen too. Also the 607 argument maybe hard for a non JW to get their head round though it would be surely impressive if she could argue this and they actually listened.

    Also she can't be labelled apostate can she - given that she's not a JW?

    I would ask them why do they teach that other faiths doctrines on hell just can;t be right because their God is loving and how they reconcile that with the fact they are looking forward to Armageddon when billions of people on earth will be murdered. Innocent children too? How can she justify worshipping such a disgusting violent God?

    Then I would print off the letter from the United Nations (it is in a link on this board somewhere if anyone can help) in response to the queries from many JWs when news leaked that the society was part of the UN even though they denounce the UN as part of Satan and I would ask why she should believe in an organisation that was so hypocritical as to be a member of an organisation they condemned?

    And finally I would ask how they justified telling parents not to innoculate their children for small pox putting their lives at risk because they said it contained blood products when this turned out not to be true? (see http://quotes.watchtower.ca/ under the medical section) if they were from God and the only true religion why did he direct them to tell lies that endangered the lives of children?

    Hope this helps to be going on with! and would love to hear the outcome of this conversation!

  • vitty

    Ask who their mediator is. They will say Jesus, but even in their own publications they say he is NOT.

    That privilage is only for the 144,000. Jehovah was once described as our "grandfather" im sorry icant remember which WT. Maybe even your boyfriend wont know that one !!!!!!! I didnt think about it and id been in the org for 20 years!

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