Watchtower Society - The Thief of Time

by truthseeker 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Can't do more in Jehovah's service? Start buying out time from non-essential activities.

    How many times have we heard this phrase?

    Ever wondered how much an average JW who preaches 10 hours a month, spends on JW activities in a year?

    Let's work it out, starting with the meetings...

    Don't forget, they recommend you arrive 20 mins or so before the meeting, and 20 mins after the meeting, to benefit from the fine

    spiritual association.

    ALL TIME PERIODS ARE APPROXIMATE - assuming that the GB expects a JW do to the minimum.

    Per week

    Book Study - 1 hour, 20 mins before and after = 1hr 40 mins

    School & Service Meeting - 1 hour 45 mins, 20 mins before and after = 2hr 25 mins

    Public Talk & Watchtower - 2 hours, 20 mins before and after = 2hrs 40 mins

    Total meeting hours per week = 6hrs 45 mins

    Total per year (* 52 weeks) = 351 hours

    Per week

    Personal study - 30 mins

    Book Study - 30 mins

    Watchtower - 1 hour

    School & Service Meeting - 1 hour

    Magazine presentations - 15 mins

    Daystext - 1 hr 10 mins (10 mins every day)

    Weekly Bible Reading - 15 mins (1hr 45 mins)

    Reading Awake & Watchtower - break it down, there are 4 issues a month (2 of each mag), so say 30 mins per mag

    Total study hours per week = 5hrs 40 mins, lets round that to 5.5 hours

    Total study hours per year = 5.5 * 52 = 286 hours

    Per Week

    Ministry - 2.5 hrs a week (average of 10 hours a month)

    Total ministry hours per year = 2.5 * 52 = 130 hours

    Extra meetings

    District Convention - 3 days at 8 hours a day = 24 hours

    Circuit Assembly - 2 days at 7 hours a day = 14 hours

    Special Assembly Day - 7 hours

    Memorial - 1 hour

    Total = 46 hours

    Extra study periods

    Yearbook - 2 hours

    New publications - 1 hour

    Watching an average of 2 videos per year, 1 hour each = 2 hours

    Total = 5 hours

    Total Formula : Meetings + Personal Study + Ministry

    = 6.75 hrs + 5.5 hrs + 2.5 hrs

    = 14.75 hrs of cult activity every week

    Lets multiply this by 52, and we get 767 hrs of cult activity a year

    Add on extra meetings and extra study periods

    = 46 hrs + 5 hrs

    = 51 hours a year extra

    Grand Total = 767 hrs + 51 hrs = 818 hrs of cult activity every year

    Monthly cult activity = 68 hrs

    Weekly cult activity = 15 hrs

    Daily cult activity = 2.2 hrs

    Hourly cult activity = 5.6 minutes

    This means that the average JW who does the minimum spends 15 hrs a week on cult activity.

    Each day, Joe Publishers spends 2.2 hours thinking, studying or participating in cult activity.

  • truthseeker

    Of course, if you're a pioneer expect your ministry to be 70 hrs a month or 840 hrs a year.

    If you're a MS or elder, add in time for talk preparation, counselling and shepherding and more meetings.

    If you're a Bethelite, don't even bother thinking about how much time you spend - for you it's just a way of life.

  • Honesty

    Is it any wonder that the average dub is walking around in a fog after all this demon-inspired spiritual activity.

  • bonnzo

    if tou're like me, 5 hrs for the meetings per week, 4 hrs(maybe) service per month and thats it.

    the 5 hrs for meetings includes average 2 hrs of nap time

  • Aude_Sapere
    Aude_Sapere travel time getting dressed up getting kids ready

    Holy Cow!!

    Damn I blew my chances at salvation with one worldly expletive.

    Shit. Make that two three expletives.




    Thank you for that excellent time evaluation...however, if you relayed that to any braindead dub they would be programmed to respond with something like..."Yes, won't it be great when we can give all our time to Mother?"

    I wish de-programming methods could be found.


  • minimus

    That was excellent! No wonder we now have time to normal things and without guilt!

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Starting next year it should be easier. Only 3 magazines to read every month instead of 4. That should save about 6 hours per year.

  • xjw_b12

    truthseeker. I reworked your numbers a bit, with a little less prep and personal study time, and only 10 minutes before and after meetings etc, but I agree with you that is still a lot of time of "cult" activity.

    BTW I came up with 666 hours annually.

  • TheListener

    It's funny, the more you withdraw from the WT rat race the more you see how much busy work the dubs do (and we did).

    Thank {insert deity here} I'm free

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