Insurence and JW in Hong Kong

by helloman 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • helloman

    From my observation, the number one commercial activities found within congregations in Hong Kong is insurence. Some members of JW or even elders are selling great volume of insurence policies to their fellow members. In Manulife Hong Kong, there even a whole branch of JW insurence people. I witnessed a memeber preaching the insurence policy and the kingdom news at the same time. The district overseer even had to stop these activities in a speech of a district convection. I am not saying engaging in commercial activities with other is wrong, just feeling those people are so pretending to be a good person for the sake of commercial benefit are so so bad.

  • Wolfgirl

    That happens in Kingdom Halls all around the world with various, long-distance phone companies, vitamins, etc.

    Side note: I used to live in Hong Kong. Lived there for 14 months and saw one JW the entire time. Or maybe they weren't even a JW. They had a brochure, but it could have just been handed to them.

  • Dansk

    Welcome, Helloman!

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