violent videogames and kids

by doogie 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • doogie

    i didn't want to hijack the thread about videogames at bethel, so i thought i'd start another.

    The indiscriminate killing of policemen, the ability to kill prostitutes as well as ordinary citizens, the drug culture that is reflected in San Andreas, these are all things that the young ones in my community strive for, they look up to the thug, the pimp, the hustlers who sling rock in my community. Theses are not the things I would want my child to concentrate his attention on. The language is absolutely deplorable, and theres more to come. Snoop Dog is going to have his own game to come out soon; Fear and Respect, a game of similar content.

    bingo. that's exactly where i think the problem is. i have no problem with violence or language or lewd behavior in videogames. war games, the GTA games, the punisher...whatever. i don't have a problem with them. for me. but i don't think it's appropriate for kids. just as i wouldn't let my girlfriend's 10 year old brother watch scarface. this is adult entertainment. the fact that it's not suitable for ALL ages does not automatically make it unsuitable for ANY ages.

    any thoughts?

  • prophecor

    Definitely not for the little kiddies, though its a little complicated trying to get your 16 year old son to understand that he is not yet a man.

    Though this is adult type stuff, I can't see where the teens will not want to share in this type of fantasy world as it is really an adolescent game, off limits to them in the store, but is this type of entertainment really pitched to the adult?

    Vice city was truly an adolescents game, with no extreme vulgarity that I can recall, the newest installment, however, has taken things way over the top, they have crossed the line on virtually every ground regarding debasement and moral decency.

  • Mary

    Didn't some teenager just shoot and kill someone after repeatedly playing Grand Theft Auto? I was shocked when I found out that these video games simulate raping a prostitute, shooting cops, etc. Gee, and they wonder why crimes like this happens?

    The family of the victim is suing the makers of Grand Theft Auto and Wal Mart (because that's where the little shit bought it). While I wouldn't bother suing Wal Mart, I definitely agree with suing the people who created this game in the first place. Freedom of Speech must be coupled with something called Responsibility-----something that alot of people know nothing about.

  • doogie

    see, i just think its wrong to single out videogames. ever watch a quentin tarrantino movie? yeah me too. have i killed or raped? (or cut anyone's ears off?). nope. not that i recall. i've also played violent videogames. have i ever gone on a killing spree with a flamethrower? nope. (just as a side point, i don't think there are any mainstream videogames that simulate rape)

    am i still horrified when i hear that some crazy woman cut an unborn fetus out of someone? god, yes. violence is here to stay. it's been here for centuries and centuries. humans are a violent species.

    some people justcan't seperate entertainment from reality. i just think that terribly unstable mental cases are a danger to free society. not the media that feeds the nucases' psychosis.

  • Mary

    ever watch a quentin tarrantino movie?

    Um, I'm not even sure what that is..........what is it?

  • jeanniebeanz

    Solution? Until they get a job, you have the control over their discretionary income, don't buy it for your kids, and know what your kids are doing, where they are, who they are with. Or, lock it up and don't play it in front of them if you must play it yourself.

    Parental control is a partial solution, but as long as there is a market, it will sell.

    I had major pains of conscience when I worked in he Games Industry over how we specifically marketed to kids in spite of the ratings from the ESRB.


  • talesin

    Don't like Tarantino movies, and no, I've never 'finished' one... blecch, boring and the gore is just unnecessary ... Reservoir Dogs was just the worst piece of trash I've ever seen (oops, I should say the first 25 minutes or so).

    my two on that

    (yes, I know, tell us what you really feel, but hell, it's only a movie)

    And yes, I think the video games are going way over the top. What's wrong with the original GTA type (less gory) and Age of Myth type of game?

    Oy! Legend of Zelda is what's being played in my house right now, and we are all over 30.

    It's my opinion that video games for children should be severely limited by the parents. That would include the quantity of time spent in this mindless pursuit, as well as the content of the games.


  • DanTheMan

    GTA and the whole "thug" culture is pretty sick. Black America is lost without a map, and more and more of white America is stopping to ask them for directions.

  • GetBusyLiving

    I really think parents should be careful what they let their little kids have as far as video games and music goes. Some of it is so violent and perverse it is on par with 'The Bible Story Book'.

    But I think adults have the right to watch and play whatever they feel like as long as it doesnt hurt anyone. I'm a huge Tarentino fan.


  • bull01lay

    I'm a big fan of video games - including the the violent ones. I've murdered countless millions of electrons, but it doesn't make me want to take the life of a "sentient being".

    Kids should definitely be shielded from the content of some games though, and personally, I feel that they are sensibly rated. The difficulty is, is that it's impossible to guarantee that these adult games aren't going to make it into the hands of children - either by unscrupulous traders or uninterested parents, or purely by accident. The same thing goes for adult films, books, the internet, ad infinitum - for the most part, most vigilant parents know what their kids are up to, and will protect them accordingly. These are the ones that are rightly outraged - but I feel their anger is vented at the wrong people - they should be sueing the parents of the kids that aren't protected from these things, not sueing the games creators that are simply supplying a product to meet public demand.

    I certainly don't think that adult entertainment should be censored - jeez - I had years of that as a JayWit, and never want to live in a"police state" again.

    Just my opinion, for what it's worth,


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