am i the only one?

by crizlee 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • crizlee

    Im 17, havent ever really kissed a girl before or had a real girlfriend, and i have a few close friends.

    my days consist of school, work, workout, homework, sleep, shower, repeat. the weekend is unpredictable, it can be super awesum or just effin depressing.

    the only good thing i can say i have accomplished is aceing classes and keeping in shape physically, and goin to college.

    somedays i just want to know how my life got wasted away.. but more importantly i want to know what i can do to make the present and future better to heal those wounds.

    i look at my other friends and others school, their life seems like a dream. my friend drove my prom date to galveston 2 weeks ago and he's only 1 year older than me. most of my friends dont really work too.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Did you ever end up finding a date for the prom?


  • whyamihere

    Being a JW can and will hold you back from alot of things!

    You are only 17 remember that! I know people say that all the time and you are young you have your whole life ahead of you. I know how you feel you want eveything to work out and you want it now! When in due time! Go to college get a feel of it.


  • doogie
    Im 17, havent ever really kissed a girl before or had a real girlfriend

    dude, don't feel bad, i was 20 before my first girlfriend.

    you're not the only one. and let me tell ya, no ones life is a dream at 17 and 18. especially if you live in the galveston area. it gets better, trust me. if you need to vent or anything, pm me. i have a feelin we're in pretty much the same area.

    oh, and i should add that i'm 24 and

    my days consist of school, work, workout, homework, sleep, shower, repeat.
    except no homework because i'm too lazy to go to school.
  • Valis
    somedays i just want to know how my life got wasted away.. but more importantly i want to know what i can do to make the present and future better to heal those wounds.

    dude, I left home when I was 17 and it was scary and my future was unclear...but one thing I didn't do was wonder where my previous life had gotten to...I didn't have time and it doesn't sound like you do either. You are most certainly getting yourself on the right track, and admittedly for many XJWs your age it can seem a bit much especially when all you see around you is young people having what one might call "normal" "happy" lives. Maybe you need to plan a trip for yourself somewhere. Perhaps by the time the semester is over you could have some money saved up and just go somewhere. Plan it and let that be a goal instead of wondering how things got f*cked up in the first place. Maybe set a couple goals for yourself and like the trip suggestion make one of them a fun one. As a dub there was always the goal of everlasting life or putting in more service hours, but sheesh how long before those carrots start to attract flies right? Take care of yourself and keep us updated.


    District Overbeer

  • Bas

    No, you're not the only one. Maybe you're looking too hard and deploying too little initiative. I know I did at your age. Also it's hard to break out of established patterns of how you see others and others see and treat you.It's the old curse of Highschool. But there's a cure for that; go and meet new people, preferably on your own so that you won't be held back. Of course it's easier and safer to stay in your old social surroundings, but that way change will come slowly, though it will come eventually.

    Good luck!


  • crizlee

    Yea i got a prom date..but now i wish she was my gf..or atleast get to know her better.

    all i did was meet her over some blog site where everyone in the school has a blog on, then we started we talking. then the weekend came and i hung out with my friend all weekend going to concerts and partying.

    it turned out the girl i was talking to was his friend and he suggested that i give her flowers that day. so i picked flowers and we drove to her house and i asked her out to prom.

    yea it seems i cant ever be satisfied..i tell myself atleast i have a prom date now...but then i want a gf also. atleast ill be going to college..but still i got to attend the meetings.. but atleast i get to live in the dorms.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Why do you have to attend meetings if you are gonna be living in the dorm?


  • crizlee

    my parents say it makes them happy that i go to the meetings and service.. and people wont be asking them questions. my dad already got some privledges taken away because the elder's sons ratted me out.

    you know this is gonna really affect me when i have kids.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Criz, son. Auntie Brenda here. I'm 48 so I can get away with calling you son

    I was raised JW. I got dipped at 14. My parents pulled me out of school after my sophomore year so I could go into the ministry and maybe even become a pioneer.

    First big, regretable mistake in my life was choosing the bribe of a car to quit school (4-door ford fairlane - ugh). I had a 3.4gpa without even trying, and my Jr. year was gonna be awesome!

    I didn't like full-time ministry. I'm not a sales person, and I'm pleased to say I never brought anyone in.

    Shortly after my 18th birthday, I got engaged to a good JW man who was 21. We got married 4 months later. I was a virgin on my wedding night. Worst sex ever!

    Second big, regretable mistake in my life was NOT backing out of the wedding because the invitations were already mailed. I began to see things in him I did not like. But silly me....

    That good JW man was alcoholic and became a wife beater. I barely survived him. Seriously, as at 25 I almost made it playing russian roulette with a 44 mag. I'm partially deaf in my right ear because the shot fired into the ceiling instead of my noggin. I divorced him shortly after that. Shot the life back into me!

    Those are my biggest regrets. To me these are very major life-changers. The other regrets I have in life are very minor compared to these two.

    Inspite of being a highschool pull-out, and the violence and alcoholism (I'm an alcoholic also, sober since 1990) I managed a good 15 year career in computers including tech support, R&D, QA, inside and outside staff and client training, and lan/info management. And all of this with only one quarter of college in computers, and one quarter of college in business. No degree of any kind. I learned it all seat of the pants. And because I did, I had to work harder and earn less than those around me with degrees who were idiots.

    Chill, dude. I know it feels like you need to know it all now. But you don't and you won't. I know how lonely it can be at 17. I surely was. And much of that loneliness was horniness. (Whatever you do, wear protection you don't wanna even risk the chance of AIDs. In my heyday it was only Herpes to worry about.)

    Plan college and stick to it. You will be glad you did. And just hang. You're ok, and believe it or not, right where you're supposed to be. Teen angst has been around for centuries!

    Hugs and love


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