What is this Faithful & Devoted Slave?

by alex 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • alex

    I keep reading about some Faithful & Devoted Slave being God's official spokesman on earth. Can somebody explain to me what this all means.

    In Mormonism the source for all truth is the prophet who speaks for God and runs the huge moneymaking businesses of Mormonism. Sometimes prophets contradict each other but the only people who think this are apostates who Satan has got great hold.

  • jayhawk1

    I believe you meant the faithful and discreet slave. The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the men at headquarters are told by Jehovah what his thoughts are. Jehovah is supposed to tell these men what he wants to do by means of the Holy Spirit. The only spirit I think they have is liqour. Maybe somebody else can expand on this, but I thought I would give you a quick answer.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • Francois

    Check out Mt. 24:45, "Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?"

    The governing body (sixteen senile octogenerians in Brooklyn) modestly apply this scripture to themselves, read: beat it to a bloody pulp. And the stuff they publish, notably the intellectual pap found on the cheap paper of the Watchtower and its companion magazine the Awake, available this morning to you and your neighbors for .... oops, sorry, an old tape started playing there fore a moment. Where was I? Oh yeah, that intellectual pap aforementioned constitutes what they refer to as "solid food" that is, spiritual food. And at just the right time, too. Man, another moment without soma that spiritual food and I'da been a goner fur shure.

    Anyhow, pay no attention to those assholes. They have no idea what they're talking about. Hellsbells, they've never gotten a prophecy right in over a hundred years of trying. And they've tried a buncha times, a whole buncha times.

    Anyway, answer you question?


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • Jimmer

    The reference is from a parable, not a prophecy. There is not intent by Jesus to point to a future, "prophetic fulfillment" of a faithful and discreet slave. Rather, the parable simply is simply a picture of one who is alert, aware and attentive to the Lord's work.
    Remember, PARABLE, not prophecy.

  • willy_think

    once in a wile my brother will call me when my dad isn't home, to save me. i don't talk about the WT with him i only lissen to what hs has to say and ask him about how he is doing and fealing and if he needs anything. any way he told me that the F&DS never make prophecy and never have. this may be new. it seens the WT may be out of the prophecy business, or maby it's more double-speak.

  • nytelecom1

    the fds are not senile old men......most of them have died off.....although br. barber is far from coherent....i dont think they have ever claimed to have direct communication from the big man upstairs ala John and the Book of Revelation. The have never claimed to be prophets in the sense of Daniel, uttering new bible truths..what they do claim is to be able to apply bible scripture in harmony with Jehovahs purpose...this has led them to believe such things as 1975 etc etc.....the didnt wake up one day and say...God told me last night 1975 would be the day of.....the did claim through "extensive" research 1975 would mark the day......

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