Memorial Invitation

by startingover 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quotes

    LMAO at garybuss:
    It's an article that explains why the Bible does not mean what it says. . . . . . One of many:-)

    I don't know what the WT-approved answer is, but perhaps it is similar to the way they could justify ANYTHING:

  • peacefulpete
  • Oroborus21


    The other day late at night, me and my wife were laying in bed and getting ready to go to sleep. (My wife is not and never been a JW).

    I said to her: "You know the Memorial is coming up soon."

    She said: "Who died?"


  • ezekiel3

    Actually the spin on this is a bit different then the comments above. Supposedly "until he arrives" has more to do with when the 144,000 arrive, not Jesus.


    w03 2/15 p. 13 Why Observe the Lord?s Evening Meal? ***


    It When?


    Regarding the Lord?s Evening Meal, Paul said: "As often as you eat this loaf and drink this cup, you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, until he arrives." (1 Corinthians 11:26) Individual anointed Christians would partake of the Memorial emblems until their death. Thus, before Jehovah God and the world, they would repeatedly proclaim their faith in God?s provision of Jesus? ransom sacrifice.


    How long would the body of anointed Christians observe the Memorial of Christ?s death? "Until he arrives," said Paul, evidently meaning that these observances would continue until Jesus? arrival to receive his anointed followers into heaven by a resurrection during his "presence." (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17) This harmonizes with Jesus? words to the 11 loyal apostles: "If I go my way and prepare a place for you, I am coming again and will receive you home to myself, that where I am you also may be."?John 14:3.
  • undercover

    I just saw this quote on another thread:

    *** w52 2/15 p. 113 What About Those Not Partaking? ***


    The Memorial will not be in vogue on earth throughout the Millennium and forever, for the apostle Paul wrote to the congregation of Christians who are sanctified in union with Christ Jesus this Memorial instruction: "As often as you eat this loaf and drink this cup, you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, until he arrives." (1 Cor. 1:1, 2; 11:26, NW) So, when the Lord Jesus takes the remnant from earth to Kingdom glory in heaven, then the Memorial celebration on earth will cease. The "other sheep" will not partake of it then any more than they do now.

    So it's not so much when "he arrives" as it is when "they die" (as in the anointed).

    The whole memorial thing isn't about Jesus. It's about the 144,000 or more specifically those left alive on earth or even more specifically the GB who claim to be of the anointed. We exist and serve at their pleasure only.

    The memorial is just a means to fool the JW masses that the GB is a special class above all others. The masses attend this event only to observe. It has no real meaning to the average person. The quote above proves that. Once the last anointed dies, the memorial will stop. That's like saying, "Jesus don't care about you fools. He's got all his peeps with him now. To hell with ya'll".

    The talk itself is meant to show why this class of people are so much better than everyone else. More time is spent talking about who partakes and goes to heaven than it does about the actual "memorial" of Jesus death.

    Here's a question for a JW: "Did Jesus die for all mankind?" If you asked a JW that at a door they would quickly say, "yes" but when you really read between the lines of the publications, it's apparent that many of the things that Jesus said and taught is being applied only to those in his "new covenant" which doesn't include your average every day person or even average JW. So it has to make you wonder if Jesus, according to WTS official doctrine (which we all know is not written in plain language for all to see) did die for all mankind or just for those in his new covenant.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    On the other hand - if one believes that Christ wants us to take this 'communion' bread and wine on occasion with other Christians - and of course recognizing that Jw's do not have the 1914 date correct [or any others for that matter] - It would seem proper to continue 'memorializing' as he taught until we know he has actually 'arrived' - wouldn't it?

    I have been thinking of this matter - and I think wifey and I will have our own Lord's Supper sometime in the next month or so [I don't think the date is critical at this point like I once did] - and we will be 'partakers' for the first time.

    To not 'partake' I think shows disrepute and rejection of the sacrifice - thoughts?


  • hamsterbait

    The current light is that Jesus "arrives" in different ways at different times with respect to his kingship.

    He arrived in Kingdom power in 1874, no, 1881 (doh - thats when the door was closed) no, 1914.

    He arrived to judge the sheep an goats in 1914, no 1919, no he hasn't yet - but the due time has approached (Luke 21:8)

    He will arrive to destroy us sometime soon, very soon, sooner than you think.

    And we'll all see him according to the new kids' book. (Though they proved that wouldn't happen years ago....) Ho Hum.


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