Lucid dreams and OBE

by IP_SEC 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • ezekiel3

    I haven't consciously experienced an OBE but LDs are my favorite. It is true you can program yourself to sleep "consciously" like IP says. The first night I tryed this I used a Huna style meditation (repeating the order to 'stay aware while sleeping') and then immediately went to bed.

    The whole night I was conscious I was in my bed, but was able to manipulate my dreams and actively participate in them. Wow. When I "awoke" I had never felt so rested and energized. I highly recommend this.

    You'll find that when you start delving into shared dreams.
    Let me say that sex is better in spirit, 'nuff said.
  • seattleniceguy

    I've been able to dream lucidly a few times. Unfortunately, I often have this feeling of not being totally in control, like I have lead weights on my feet so I can only move about with great difficulty. But I am aware that it is a dream, and can explore the dreamworld with some flexibility. SNG

  • frankiespeakin

    You guys with all your lucid dreaming are makeing me jealous. I never had one but then again I never tried,,I'll try tonite if I remember.

  • Siddhashunyata

    I have had 7 lucid dreams . About 1 year ago I had 5 over a period of 2 months. Before that I had 2 in 1968. Interestingly , the latest dreams were so vivid that when I woke up I could not tell if I was awake or still dreaming. That is how "real" a lucid dream is.

    I was confused by the fact that there could be another reality just as real as this one. There was a strange "comfort' in knowing this. I noted that the lucid dream reality did not have the same feel as this one in that energy seemed boundless. I thought about it and concluded that I was noticing the difference between a reality where matter and energy were constant ( and changing into one another) and a reality where energy took on form without becoming matter . In any event I was confused. I had been seeking "Ultimate Reality" and here I had found two local realities from which to escape , pass through , transform , transcend etc.

    Ken Wilber (search engine) has something to say about where lucid dreams fit in the landscape of "enlightenment". According to him they are a stage of waking up , becoming fully conscious and being able to enter these various levels of reality at will.

  • IP_SEC

    Good luck with that frankiespeakin but it took me about 3 weeks of working every night to go from remembering only about 3 dreams a week to my first lucid. Dream recall did seem to sky rocket almost right away though.

    like I have lead weights on my feet so I can only move about with great difficulty

    SNG, it took me a good bit of practice before I was able to have good control over movement. My first 3 experiences I bounced of of the walls and ceiling like a toy balloon with no control. (kind of the opposite of your problem)

    so vivid that when I woke up I could not tell if I was awake or still dreaming
    exactly! Thats what is so exciting to me, you truly cant tell between the two existances. Sights, sounds, feeling... its just like waking (sometimes actually greater awareness than waking) until you do something like teleport to the other side of the world or take off flying.
  • TheEdge

    We all dream about 4 times a night many don't remember their dreams, but if they remember one, it's always the last prior to waking. I have nearly always remembered all of my dreams from the previous night, and I never wake from a dreamless night. I often wonder what it's like to go to sleep and wake the following morning aware of nothing?!

    I used to lucid dream more as a child, and still do infrequently as an adult. The last lucid dream I had was so amazing I remembered every detail as I knew I was in a 'real' place. When I DO lucid dream, they tend to come in ''batches'' - the last time I had 3 in the same week. Maybe there's a reason for this?

    PS, my son lucid dreams too - he probably thinks EVERYONE does this - I used to till I recently found out they didn't!

  • frankiespeakin

    I have an idea.

    Why not thru lucid dreaming try ease droping on the Governing Body and see what they are up to? Maybe you can glean some info that could send them up the river? Bank accounts, hiding money from the IRS. Or perhaps revealing information on this board about some private matters concerning sensitive issues involving the GB. Now that would be totally cool.

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