Tony Morris not the only one against yoga pants

by wannaexit 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • wannaexit
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    I cracked up when I read about the inspiration to "crack down" on indecency was because of naked cyclists. Of course naked cyclists would need to be crack down, that's how bicycle seats work!
  • cantleave
  • SAHS

    That’s even more Orwellian than the movie “1984”! Those “indecent exposure” laws in Montana are beyond ridiculous.

    According to Rep. Virginia Court, D-Billings in the Billings Gazette (shown in the comments below the linked item), “Currently, a person convicted of indecent exposure three times could be sentenced to life in jail and up to $10,000.” Really? Wow!! How much more Draconian can you get. That’s being more picayunish and repressed than Queen Victoria herself. Aren’t there just a little more serious crimes like, oh, wife beating and armed robbery to be concerned about?

    Now, what about ballet performances. Are they going to ban that too because of the tight, stretchy pants theiy wear? And what about going to the beach or swimming? Is that going to also be illegal because of wearing Speedos or bathing suits? Where does it end? I keep asking myself every day, What are they going to ban next? Going to the barhroom? Breathing? . . . . Really, what’s next?

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