Funny Secrets!

by whyamihere 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • whyamihere

    Does anyone have a secret that they have hid for years and it is too funny not to say anything and want to come out now?

    I do! is so bad! You know the Campbell's Soup glass Jars that have a top you can twist open? Ok here is my Story. My Mom got some soup from the store and my Favorite was Chicken Noodle. Well I was hungry and I wanted something to eat. I grabbed one of those I opened it and I smelled it to see if it smelled good. Well I changed my mind and put it back and got something else. Well a week later my Dad was hungry for some Chicken Noodle Soup! He grabbed it and made it. He said it tasted funny but was so hungry didn't care. Well he was so sick that night he puked ......I think 27 times. He said it must have been the company and he wants to sue them. I told him he was being dumb and he may just have the stomach flu. The next day I thought to myself ....Oh My God I forgot to put it in the fridge. I put it back in the cupboard. He ate rotten Soup!

    I never told anyone that!


  • GetBusyLiving

    Hahaha Brooke, you evil girl you!!

  • whyamihere

    I know I feel so bad! LOL...however it is funny!!!!!!!!!

    I think I will keep it from him a little while longer!


  • candidlynuts

    brooke that is BAD! Lmao!!

    i dont have any secrets.. i really need a life !

    edited cuz i thought of one lol..

    my ex was constantly drinking out of the milk jug.. i HATE THAT.. get a freaking glass you lazy jerk..anyway...

    i got the milk out to fix me some cereal.. noticed it was bad, started to throw it away, then thought.......hmmmmmm.....

    i put it back and sure enough.. later that day he trots his happy butt in.. pops open the fridge..grabs the milk, leans against the table and opens it, glug glug glug glug.......long long drink........finally his tastes buds caught up with his gluttoney and SPEW!

    he demanded to know if i knew it was sour.. " no honey! i just got it the day before yesterday" hahahahaha

    after that, he still drank out of the jug, but not before cautiously sniffing the quality of the milk first.

  • whyamihere

    Come on someone has to have something. I can't be the only one that is naughty!


  • candidlynuts

    i edited mine .. thought of one! look above.

  • whyamihere


    Brooke aka Milk Jug Drinker

    p.s. I am not a bad milk Jug Drinker I have my own jug and the other one is for Company!

  • mkr32208

    When I was a kid I loved fire and blowing up stuff with gasoline and one day I accidently burned down an old abandoned silo near our house and one of the Prick stuck up elder kids got in trouble for it hahahahahaha Hows that feel mike you A$$hole!!!!!

    hmmmm Once when I was flying I really really had to pee so I went in a water bottle and dumped it out the window at 5000 feet above downtown gainsville fl... Ha ha please don't tell anyone that!

    We used to drive around in my dad's van with the door open and a big jar of cherry tomatoes and a slingshot and shoot people!

    I've done lots of naughty stuff but thats all I'm telling today!

  • whyamihere

    mkr32208 are naughty!

    Ok I have another one! I used to work at the Restaurant as a waitress and a cocktail waitress! (you know wore short skirts to make money)

    We worked every Holiday and it was Christmas Day. I was on my 11th hour tired and still with a smile on my face. Well there was this one huge Lady who kept wanting Ham and more Ham from the Buffet. I have nothing against bigger people but she was so mean to me and all I did was be nice to her. Well anyway there was no Ham left out there and she yelled at me about it again. It was not my job but I wanted to keep her happy. I ran into the Kitchen grabbed the ham that was ready. I forgot oven mitts and it was so hot I dropped it all over the floor. I was so scared because this day was never a day to make a mistake. So I just quick as I can picked it up and threw it back in the pan added hot water to it and no body knew. It wasn't all bad she ate most of it. Oh I feel better now!


  • whyamihere

    I guess I am the only one who can be honest! lol


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