What's in your library?

by the_classicist 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AlanF

    Sure, anytime, Leolaia. Just don't let my wife try to talk you into taking them off my hands.

    As for the Bottings book, buy it. They're hard to come by.

    As for TDNT, check with CBD pricing before you buy. They often have sales for about $300.


  • Heatmiser

    Dang, I thought I won for the smallest religious library but Dustin beat me.

    I didn't count anything else that wasn't a religion book.

  • Dustin

    Heatmiser, that's cause I took all of my JW books and put them in a box. I then took the box and dropped it off on the Kingdom Hall steps. I made sure to write my name in every single book, just so they got the message. Haven't seen one of them since. I really don't have any other books.


  • Leolaia

    AlanF....Thanks for the tip! I checked the website, and it turns out that TDNT's on CDROM, and I think I might spring for that one of these days; certainly preferrable than having 10 volumes fill up shelves and it is searchable too...

  • stillajwexelder

    Not as good as Alan Fs = but over 1500 books easily -

  • slimboyfat

    A Narrative History of the United States by Tindall and Shi.

  • FDS

    Hum let's see. SOME of my stuff..

    The Bible Vs the Evolution Theory 1898

    Millenial Dawn paper back Vol III Special WT edition, 1893

    Millenial Dawn Vol I, 1904

    The Divine Plan of the Ages, Biography edition 1925, 1926 (2 copies)

    The Divine Plan of the Ages as Shown in the Great Pyramid 1915 (Pyramid on cover)

    Studies Vol III "Boxed edition"

    Studies in the Scriptures - Vol 1, 2, 3, 4 Each in Lamp and Winged Globe editions

    Studies 4 Karatol 1912

    The Finished Mystery, special WT edition "ZG" 1918

    Miracle in Stone (SEISS)

    NWT Special student's edition 1963

    Countless 1920s Watch Towers

    Creation, Riches, Harp 1925, 1928, Enimies, Deliverance, Salvation,New World, Qualified to be Ministers 55, Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose, Make sure of all things (both editions) all new books from 50s-2005, Countless tracts, KM, Informants, Convention programs and many others...


  • onacruse


    AlanF....*drooling* Can I stay at your house and just lose myself in your library? Sounds amazing!

    A fair majority of Alan's books are in his basement and attic crawlspaces...multiple copies, lined up side-by-side, like little plastic soldiers.

    Are you sure you want to go there?


  • Preston

    Classicist, why all the Bible books man, shouldn't you have a Maxim or an FHM in there somewhere? Polycarp might get a little lonely without an Angelina in some lingerine to snuggle up with

    Anywho, despite the crude humor I often-times emit on this site I do own a few theological works ...my collection may pale in comparison to Leo's or Alan's but for the record I do own

    1.) One large copy of the NWT in genuine cowhide with my name emblazoned on the front

    2.) Peter Gomes' "The Good Book"

    3.) C.S. Lewis' "The Screwtape Letters"

    4.) Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (which looks out of place sitting next to all the gay erotica)

    5.) The Gospel According to Biff

    6.) and....various works by David Hume, Plato, Calvin, Kirkegaard, etc.....


  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    Extensive Library ... not a Bible of any sort in sight.

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