What's Your Take on This Scripture? "The righteious themselves

by adelmaal 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JamesThomas

    Dear Adel,

    Have you noticed that the more you read the Bible, the less "clue" you have?

    I suggest if you want to come to some real understanding that actually affects your life, you stop giving credence to the tiny god presented within the Bible. Instead, spend quite time in nature. Feel your breathing and get a real first-hand grasp of what it means to be alive. Go deeper into this sense of being and existing, and offer up your questions there. Then, be still and allow the Source of this wondrous universe to reveal Itself.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    James, I have to disagree about the 'tiny god' thing

    There is a story handed down for thousands of years about "the land", and the theme goes on and on, - it's the story Adel is trying to read, an ancient story, told again and again - and there's more than a simple reason that she is hooked into it - she's living in it.

    In the story, the people continually hear about "the land" and they listen to "the word of God" again and again, but keep looking for "a land" like they are already familiar with: it begins in Genesis, then Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers........and the theme remains the same - Great Spirit says "I promise you, and will give you a land like you have not known", and the people say, "What's going on, where is it?" So they carry on, complain, some of them take up 'other gods', some "seek it out and give a bad report", again and again.

    But all the time the Great Spirit is saying, "It's the land I promised to Abraham, Isaac & Jacob", but the people continuously say, "What land, where have you led us?"


    behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you

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