Going to see Motley Crue where I used to go to District Convention

by Dustin 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dustin

    Funny story, I'm going to go and see the Motley Crue reunion tour in a month. Thing is it's at the Aliant Energy Center in Madison where we used to go for the conventions. We are sitting in the same section where we always sat, because my dad was in charge of security. It just makes me laugh, cause it's a far cry from being at the District Convention. I can't wait to hear them sing "Shout At The Devil".


  • lonelysheep

    Enjoy yourself!! Who knew we're meant to have good times in arenas?!

    They'll be in vegas when I'm there...but the show is sold out.

  • Dustin

    Ooh, it would be awesome to see them in Vegas. You can really party like a rock star there.


  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    Saw them a couple years ago right before they broke up the last time...good concert! Head Banger

    OH...in the same place the JW's hold all their conventions!!

  • kls

    Dustin that were i went to see GODSMACK a few years back,,,,,,,,,,wow i was sitting on the ghosts of jws.

  • Dustin

    Kls, saw Godsmack in Milwaukee with Metallica this last summer. Godsmack is my all time favorite band. I can sing pretty much just like the guy. I would love to meet them.


  • kls

    Dustin ,,,,,,,,,,,,,i would love to meet him to ,,,,,,,,,,in person

    Metallica ,i love Sandman ,,,,,i just blast it .That is one of my favorites

  • Purza
    Godsmack is my all time favorite band. I can sing pretty much just like the guy.


    If you looked like Sully -- then I would want to meet you too.

    I saw Godsmack w/ Puddle of Mudd a few years ago. They kicked ass!!!!

    "Whatever" is one of my favorite songs.


  • Dustin

    Metallica, my favorite song is the original Unforgiven

    Godsmack, my favorite is Sick of Life

    Motley Crue, it's a tie between Too Young to Fall in Love, and LiveWire


  • Dustin

    Purza, I am bald with a goatee, and I have a Godsmack tatoo on my back. I'm not a very big guy though. I'm about 5 10' and 150 lbs. I could only hope I look as good as Sully when I'm 38.


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