Mom who injected human waste into girl gets 6 years

by Mecurious? 15 Replies latest social current

  • Mecurious?

    This is absolutely sick:

  • AlmostAtheist

    I'm often amazed with the the topics that coincidentally bump together. When I checked the active topics, this thread was right below this one:

    What Is The Unpardonable Sin?

    People get so messed up in the head, it's stunning.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    How do you think this poor kid is going to feel when she's grown? I mean, how do you have any type of relationship with this woman, even if she's your mother?

  • Mecurious?

    She is supposedly suffering from Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, a psychological disorder in which a mother falsely claims a child is sick or intentionally makes a child sick in order to gain attention or sympathy for herself.

    My heart goes out to the children that have to endure this sort of nonsense from thier parents. People can come up with all kinds of excuse's to do harm to others. I wish the reverse was true.

    Too bad theres not a pychological disorder that makes people do good, noble, kind and decent things to people.

    I think that would be pretty neat. Dont you?


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I think that would be pretty neat. Dont you?

    Oh yeah, just like having broccoli taste chocolate, fried foods would help your heart and alcohol improving liver function only if taken by the gallon.

  • Scully
    Too bad theres not a pychological disorder that makes people do good, noble, kind and decent things to people.

    There is something that makes people do good, noble, kind and decent things to people: Love. But it is precious, rare and seriously lacking in far too many folks.

  • Mecurious?

    Oh yeah, just like having broccoli taste chocolate, fried foods would help your heart and alcohol improving liver function only if taken by the gallon

    Yes, I know. Just wishful thinking on my part I guess. Sometimes the world seems like such a cruel place to live in is all.


  • Mecurious?

    There is something that makes people do good, noble, kind and decent things to people: Love. But it is precious, rare and seriously lacking in far too many folks.

    Why do you think love is lacking in lots of people? Not that I disagree with you but i'm just curious.


  • Billygoat
    Too bad theres not a pychological disorder that makes people do good, noble, kind and decent things to people.
    There is something that makes people do good, noble, kind and decent things to people: Love. But it is precious, rare and seriously lacking in far too many folks.


  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    How can people do this stuff to children? Cutting their arms off, drowning them in the bathtub, injecting them with human waste, arrrrrrggggghhh. What I want to say is anyone caught doing this stuff should be put under the courthouse, now I know many are mentally ill, and quite possibly harming a child might make one mentally ill by default, but the things that are done to children just make me want to scream and get some old testament retribution. Sorry, I had to rant a little there.

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