How is your congregation doing financially?

by truthseeker 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • mtbatoon

    When I went to my sister wedding a few years ago it wasn?t held in her local KH but in one near by that apparently the surrounding congs had paid for. It was well plush and looked like no expense had been spared. After the ceremony was over and every one was milling around Elder Smarmy came up and did the usual chit chat, I mentioned how nice the KH was and a bit cheekily mentioned that it was nice how they built a KH just for marriages, ?oh no? he replied ?it?s a proper kingdom hall and wasn?t built for weddings, it?s just the only hall available today?. I would of pushed the matter but we were ushered out to the rose covered gazebo for the photographs.

  • FairMind

    Contributions in my congregation are always in excess of expenses, so our bank balance grows. I think our shortfall has generally been in the WWW contributions. A couple of years ago we received a scathing Local Needs talk regarding the amount of literature the congregation was ordering compared to the small WWW contributions being made. It must have worked as someone made a $10,000 contribution to the WWW the very next month.


  • Midget-Sasquatch

    The congregation I'm officially with shares a KH with another cong and so they have their own separate accounts and a joint one that covers the utilities, chemical supplies, and other maintencance costs.

    Our cong currently has about $2800 (Cdn) as of last Tues, and the joint account had almost $10,000 (Cdn). They were supposed to rebuild but nothing has happened yet.

    To add to Mary's post:

    Those running our circuit whined about repeated deficits at the assemblies. So Ontario Circuit 4 has instituted a program where each of the congs in that circuit pay a monthly sum into their property fund to help defray costs. They suggested about $0.40 a publisher. It just shows they're getting desperate.

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