by brainwashed 29 Replies latest members private

  • AlmostAtheist
    it would seem that the dubbish tendency to scoff at things and not even entertain their possible validity is deeply entrenched.

    I don't disagree with this, but I think there's more to it than that. Many people have developed "bullsh*t filters" that help them determine what's worth spending any time on and what isn't. For instance, if I said, "There was a guy in Detroit last week that held 500 people hostage at a GM plant and threatened to blow the place up if he didn't get to talk to a member of the Governing Body," you could probably assume I was wrong. Why? You follow the news, and you didn't hear anything about it. 500 hostages, bomb, Detroit, you would have heard something about it by now. Maybe you'll search google news on it, but probably not. Surely though, if you didn't get some hits on your search you'd dismiss me.

    That's not scoff'ing, it's just filtering out the noise. You can't spend your life investigating everything that comes along, so you immediately label some things as "99% certainly false" and move on.

    And then there are things that aren't at all new, have been researched and disproven, but have been rediscovered by someone. To them, it's groundbreaking news. To you, it's an old legend.

    True, most fantastic but true stories start off with people not believing them. But so do most fantastic but false ones.


  • truth_about_the_truth

    Taylor, you are right. The realization that we've been duped has created a defense mechanism in all of us. We dont want to be duped again. There's a big difference this time around one will disfellowship you for having an open mind and exploring things.

  • sf

    And here we have another happy trailer. Did I not predict there would be more and more that stumble onto this topic? Yes, I'm sure I did. And guess what folks? They won't be the last.

    Welcome BRAIN!


  • LittleToe


    Perchance, did it even fleetingly pass through your mind that we might have done the research you're claiming to have done?

    You've yet to offer any more "evidence" than any of us previously posted.
    Oh, and fwiw, I posted similar kinda comments about Russell's pyramid a few years back, too. I only wish I'd dug a little deeper before I made a fool of myself...

  • truth_about_the_truth

    So littletoe,

    Based on your thorough research, why is the pyramid there at Russell's grave with the WTBTS lettering on it? Decoration perhaps?

  • Ianone

    Truth, it is kind of like Yale University's Order of the Skull and Bones, which GW Bush has admitted on the record, that he is a member of. Some people say that Skull and Bones is just a frat boy party for spoiled kids, but it is a masonic lodge which the Rossel (Russell) family founded through "Russell Trust."

    Here is a link where Bush admits to being a Bonesman

    I have the video "Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove" another lodge that Bush and many other past US presidents are members of. He took a hidden video camera into the ritual and filmed the whole thing. You can download it from

  • Ianone

    New York Banking families are the key to understanding how Freemasonry (Kabbalist Judaism) proliferated in America.

    the Russell family is involved in masonry BIGTIME.

    Rothschild Bank of London Warburg Bank of Hamburg Rothschild Bank of Berlin Lehman Brothers of New York Lazard Brothers of Paris Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York Israel Moses Seif Banks Goldman, Sachs of New York of Italy Chase Manhattan Bank of New York Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
    This is a list of the Jewish banks that not only control America through "FIAT Currency," 
    remember, the US Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank. The New York based banks in this list
    funded the Watchtower, LDS (Joseph Smith 33rd degree mason), and many other protestant denominations 
    like the Presbyterian church. They funded Skull and Bones throuh CT Russell's "Russell Trust", as far 
    as I know, Russell Trust still trades in NYSE (New York Stock Exchange)
  • LittleToe

    As I mentioned on another thread (since there are now three on the same subject) I'm going to restrain my comments to Ianone's thread.

    My reply can be found here:

  • Golf

    Littletoe, I live in close knit community. Yes, I have relatives who are Masons and their very silent about it.

    I don't make a big deal out of the Masons. My take differs in that, their just a USED front or MASK for the big fish. Its a distraction, illusionary ploy. We don't get to see what goes on behind the scenes, and yet its in front of us, a shell game.


  • Ianone

    For every whistle blower out there, there is a fake whistle blower out there. They claim to have new exciting revelation and it ends up being a side issue trying to detract information from real whistleblowing information. BE WARY

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