National Average = Quotas

by zack 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • POs Son
    POs Son

    I was amazed the other day to hear my mother (a 40+year JW) say, "Your father is out in service today. The only reason I am home is because I got my hours in this month." Clearly she has done enough to keep her ticket to the new( and improved) system

    Matt. 28:19 (NIV) 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations for ten hours per month, baptizing them, on a semi-annual basis in civic centers and assembly halls in the name of the Father and of the Son (who?) and of the Holy Spirit, and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.

  • catchthis
    The only reason I am home is because I got my hours in this month."

    I have heard this so many times from many different people. Most of the time, it was from the pioneers that lived in extremely hot and/or humid parts of the country. But in their case, they would try to put in 20-30 hours more per month to offset the summer months right before September. They would basically take off the summer months and only go out for 5-10 hours each month. The extra hours that they did in the winter supplemented the lower hours in the summer. And they always were telling each other, "I've only got 20 more hours to go until I hit 1080 hours." And this would be in June. Other pioneers would be jealous because some of them didn't go out extra in the winter.

    It's all about hitting that precious quota. You never heard them talking about studies or interested people that they met at the door.

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