Comparison of Mormonism and JWism

by alex 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • SusanHere

    Hi, Link,

    Nice to meet you. No, I am neither lurking on behalf of others nor looking for converts. Read my past postings and you'll see that I do neither. Is it paranoia that makes people ask that so often?

    Actually, I have JW family members I care about deeply. I come here to understand better where they are coming from in what they say and do with regards to my family, to me, and especially regarding our LDS beliefs and lifestyle. This board has been most helpful in clarifying matters for me as questions come up which I know from experience I'm better off not asking JW family members about.

    As for "guilting" Alex...Where? Mormons aren't into guilt trips. Any guilting was unintentional, except perhaps for voicing my strong beliefs on the "let everyone find his own way" regarding setting out to unChurch the missionaries. That wasn't intended to be guilt-producing either, but just the facts of the matter. I apply that to my JW family members, too. They are happy as they are, so I leave them alone with their beliefs and won't try to convert them away. I WILL answer whatever they ask about my faith, but that's as far as it goes. Maybe I was just using my "Mom" voice with Alex!

    Hope this helps!


  • link

    Hi Susan,

    Thanks for responding. I'm sorry that so many have asked you these same questions. I think that this just shows how unusual your actions are. I don't think that it shows paranoia on anybodys part.

    You said:

    Yes, you have a hard row to hoe since you've made up your own mind about the Church, want to leave, but have all those good LDS relatives you don't want to alienate yourself from, including your wife. Tough decisions are ahead of you. While we don't shun as the JWs do, there is no doubt how hurt your family will be if you pursue your present course.

    I just wonder how many ex JWs have heard words to this effect and how many others here see this as an attempt to set up a guilt trip for someone in a very vulnerable position.

    If you think that alienating your wife and upsetting your family don't qualify, I'd hate to really upset you!


  • gumby


    For some reason I always thought they were more harmless than JWs. Maybe not?

    All cults are harmful in one way or another. The fact they are based on man should tell a person plenty. I hope you are interested for the right purpose and not because your LOOKING. Please don't make the same mistake twice. I trust you are above that.

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