Just read Crisis of Conscience!

by inquirer 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • holly

    where can i get this book?


  • zev
    where can i get this book?


    c l i c k h e r e

  • holly

    thank you zev

  • clementine

    i had read it in english but i bought it in french last week and i recieved it this morning!! i'll read again (in french this time!!) tonight!

  • Ticker

    Ive also just finished reading C of C. I can't see anyway that the material presented within the book could ever serve to promote hatred as it is wrote in a very kind and undemeaning way. It only serves to show the truth and shed light on what really takes place within the body and the commitees, something most would never have the chance to view for themselves. If anyone was a recipient of persecution, Ray was one of these as he saw old friends quickly turn their backs on him in order to maintain faulty policies. What kind of inspired me was Ray's attitude toword the JW's, he was straight forward not hiding facts, honest, but never attacking or bitter. He actually even states that causing a public disruption of Watchtower proceedings is wrong, so I would highly doubt his book would spark persecution.

    I enjoyed it because it kinda helped me to let go of alot of hurt toword the org., and just be able to view them as they are, imperfect men thinking they are in a special position with God, when really they are nothing more then imperfect men making decisions based on power and position. It was nice to hear Ray reflect on his time on the body, how he was consciencly troubled by the hypocracy, and that he has been the only member of the body that was humble enough to apologize even though he in my mind had alot less to apologize for then the other body members. Also much enjoyed reading his account of when he was going through questionings, phonecalls from elders, and downright intimidation from his former friends. It reminded me alot of what I had experienced also, the spying, visits, phonecalls, and judicial interrogations. It felt comforting to know that one can be put through such and yet come away from it with a possitive attitude and even more conviction to dispell the societys false reasonings with truth. It shows you dont need organizations to experience a relationship with God, and actually the relationship is much simpler, clear, and closer without mans intervention upon an individuals freedom.

    Tell me more about In Search of Christian Freedom, Ive been thinking of getting this book next to read as I really enjoyed the first one. It sounds really interesting showing the lack of evidence to the role they try to play, the history of christianity and how it has changed.


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