What's the Watchtower's definition of an "Apostate"?

by JH 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FDS

    One who is "inactive" - meaning one who is not looking into apostate material whatsoever, perhaps one has doubts about his own self worth, maybe a family member has died or you are stressed and feel you need time to gather yourself. You will still be shunned but not by the elders. There are many like this, who still believe that the organization is Jehovahs' and what they teach is "truth". Once you start questioning the organization then you certainly are on a dangerous road and most likely will be dissfellowshipped. Any active good standing publisher who comes here would also be in great danger, only an elder could get away with it. A independant JW trying to preach here is foolish nonesense, let him tell the brothers in his congregation and see what happens!


  • JH
    One not looking into apostate material whatsoever... will still be shunned but not by the elders

    Inactive ones, not looking into apostate material shouldn't be shunned by anybody...

  • jgnat

    The all-encompassing definition that the Watchtower uses has transformed the noun "apostate" in to an adverb, as in, "That is apostate thinking." I have been accused of this, though I am not apostate by any use of the term.

    This makes it possible for JW's to shun all sorts of people and ideas. As soon as they hear something that goes against any doctrine they hold dear, it is "apostate" and they don't have to listen to it.

  • heatherg

    I've thought about out it before, but I'm sure that's what all my old JW friends and family call me, an apostate. That word when I was little used to strike fear into my heart. Now, I guess I feel proud to be called that, because it means that I was brave enough not to follow the crowd! hg

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