who is who on here??

by holly 68 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Wallflower

    Born and raised a JW. I was never really interested, then DA'd in 1984. Parents still in.

    I am now atheist to the core. If there is a God who is interested in my worshipping it, it could have bothered to make it apparent.

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    Not a JW, never been, never studied, dated a "double agent" for 5 years and didn't realize what I had gotten myself into until he left to go back. Now we have a son, he's remarried and I'm getting the speedy version of what they are all about! This sight has been very helpful!


  • AlanF

    Born (1951) and raised in the cult. Baptized at age 15. Tried to leave at age 20 but found I would have been out on the street, so gave it another shot. Never really comfortable, though. After 1975, was left with a cold feeling in my gut that things were massively wrong. Went to college in 1978 and quickly became inactive. Learned that the Society had lied about a number of science-related things. Became active for a short time after graduating in 1982. That lasted only about a year and change; couldn't take the crap anymore and faded. Did much research into WTS teachings on science during the 80s, found many seriously false teachings. In late 1990 started intense research on Noah's Flood and the 1985 Creation book, found that most WTS teachings on geology and evolution are grossly wrong and often deliberately so. Then did research on religious teachings, found the same scholastic dishonesty as in science. Found the Internet in 1992, have participated massively in online discussions/arguments with JWs and non-JWs ever since. Helped get many JWs out of the cult via essays on science, etc. Now I don't believe in Christianity or the Bible, and am agnostic.


  • peacefulpete

    I was baptised at 17 because i was asked if I was delaying for a reason. I did want to believe and did a great deal of what I thought to be research that really was only seeking confirmation forwhat I believed and liked the reputation of being 'knowledgable'. 10 years pioneering, 1 year at Bethel. I was told at bethel I was had apostate leanings because I put the forks around the plates from the left rather than the right. Despite being respected as a good worker and capable leader, they sent me home because the waiter crew at that time was run by heartless militants who were instructed to focus on critisism. It hurt more than anything and wanted nothing more than to prove them wrong. I returned to pionerring and evetually had many responsibilities as a MS. I married a wonderful woman and we went to Guyana where I was assigned by the shattered Branch to preside a very troubled congregation. I learned a great deal over the next 4 years about myself and the realities behind the organization. I always had issues about the flood (tho I gave the flood talk anyway)and the parousia. It grew when I was maligned by those I was serving. I was disturbed when the words ambitious and apostate again arose when tired and broke we returned to the States.

    I was not liked by the new leadership in the congregation and this left me without ANY responsibilities for a couple years. This was time to think. I often questioned myself if I was as charged someone who hungered for power and indepedent prideful man. I finally read a book about the artificial chronology in the OT that necessitated giving patriarchs fantastic lifespans to fit the formula. This made too much sense. 2years more of heartache mixed with exciting learning and I knew I could not pretend to be someone I was not. I stopped going, never was asked why, they assumed they knew, some saying I was crazy some said I was always a bad heart. My loving wife stuck with me tho she was terribly hurt by what was happening. She knew my skeptical nature well enough to recognize I was convinced by something other than ego or "apostate" lies.

    The pain of such a divided home is unbearable. I wanted to unload but she wanted nothing of it and I didn't want to upset her world when I was just bearly dealing with it myself. I reluctantly filed for divorce and she was told she had to contest it or face discipline herself if she wanted to remarry. Shortly before the divorce she asked me to tell her it all. I was very surprised to learn that she was harboring doubts as long as I, but was afraid to open up. It made sense to her and she quickly stopped going. The reaction from the KH was cold and unloving. I was a "devil" and she was "weak". They took 2 more years to gather evidence that we were apostate. We tried to reason with them that this was unnecessary and hurtful, they were resolved to do it anyway. We hav since begun a new life. We are involved in environmental and humanitarian interests. We are still daily faced witht he pain when we think of out relatives that shun us but truly we know what is controling them. We do hold out hope that they will recognize we are available to them if they need a shelter or shoulder.

  • JosephMalik

    Witness for 17 years. DF'd in 1980 for writing letters to HQ and asking too many questions they could not answer. Wrote the book Beyond the Watchtower published in 1982 detailing these letters and experiences. Available now for downloading on http://home.earthlink.net/~jmalik/


  • heatherg

    Was a good girl Jw for first 19 yrs of my life. Got myself df'd on purpose, realized that there was more to life and I needed to live it. Hated organized religion, didn't even know if there was a God. Yrs. later, I do believe in God and feel that I'm ready for organized religion again. My kids are getting to that age where I feel a church of some sort would be good for them. Not to shove it down there throats but to give them structure and a belief if thats what they want. hg

  • Navigator

    Never was a witness, but did study for awhile. My wife became a witness in 1962 and decided she was one of the "annointed". I was on active duty in the USAF at the time. She raised all of our kids as JWs. I was away from home a good deal of the time on various military assignments. After I retired from the USAF in 1979 I became an elder in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and began to try to get my kids to "open their eyes". The fact that 1975 turned out to be a "dud" helped. Five of my six kids are out now and several post on this board. That put quite a strain on our marriage and my wife left for a short time. She found out that the support structure among the witnesses wasn't what it was cracked up to be and came back. She is currently a full time pioneer. We just celebrated our 46th anniversary. She is able to maintain a sort of relationship with the kids through me (Respecting my headship). I left the Christian Church while we were undergoing the "strain" mentioned earlier and joined the Unity movement. I am a leader in that church now and attend every Sunday. I teach a class in Metaphysics every week. The one kid still in would like to be out but is married to a JW and doesn't want to experience divorce. He doesn't associate with his brothers and sisters except when his wife is out of town.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Holly -

    Mom became a witness when I was 5. Never knew anything else. Was sooo happy to be 'in the truth'. Married, one daughter now grown - and after 45 years - 30+ baptized, wifey and I found out the truth about the truth, when we in our late 40's.

    We have never been back to the KH - are treated as if we have 'leprosy' - the elders have never questioned us about our leaving - just like the cowards they are - have gossipped and slandered us so that we are fully shunned and hated by all our friends of 4 decades.

    Have talked with a couple pastors of the local churches - but never attended one yet. I have a problem with organized religion I guess - but I consider myself a Christian, read the Bible and truly feel that the Lord Jesus had a hand in helping me out of the cult of Jehovah's witnesses.

    I enjoy the digital aquaintances that I have made here. And am enjoying finding out that my brain still works after decades in the fantasy fog!!

    Just my opinion


  • GetBusyLiving

    Was born into the cult. Till I was about 15 I was the model witness you would read about in the magazines. Gave plenty of demonstrations at assemblies, and at the height of my indoctrination made a fool of myself as king Josiah playing a harp, on a drama. Started realizing it was baloney in my mid teen years, but hung on half assed FOR ANOTHER 12 YEARS because of social pressures and emotional hang-ups. Disassociated four months ago mainly because of the insane blood policy and the messed up chronology. Am now a practicing agnostic (lol).Trying to rebuild my life and move on.. I'm already much happier. Single and looking to hook up with a hot apostababe. Must be disfellowshiped, disassociated, or obviously faded. I have standards.

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