Is there a name for this kind of JW tactic?

by ithinkisee 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wiegel
    Extensive personal manipulation, initiated from the leaders is designed to provoke certain patterns of behavior and emotion in such a way that they appear to have arisen spontaneously from within the member or the group environment. The group's mystique justifies manipulation even when they supercede all considerations of decency or of immediate human welfare.

    OMG - " in such a way that they appear to have arisen spontaneously from within the member or the group environment." I could never find such eloquent words to describe this process. You know, the one which turned on the great crowd and blamed the r&f for looking to 1975. And how, by their "secret" laison with the UN, and subsequent expulsion, a situation was created that could (and still may) cause the UN to "turn on the WTS".....thus fulfilling another home-grown prophecy.

    Mystical Manipulation - funny, you have no power or authority as a dub, but then you are suddenly to blame for influencing the entire flock causing them to believe something that isn't true. Very very tricky.

    The truth about the lie will set you free..............wiegel

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Sometime back I read some articles on 'cognitive dissonance' that fits into this strategy I believe.

    After the first few studies a person's mind is at war with itself, trying to find a way to come down on one side of the issue or the other [i.e.; one cannot believe both that he/she will be dead and in the grave as the witnesses teach and at the same time believe that he/she will go to heaven as his/her church had taught].

    So a early confirmation of the Watchtower warning that persecution would follow taking in 'accurate knowledge' gives the mind a chance at that point to accept the new teaching, thus rejecting the old. Of course one could also reject the Watchtower views at that point too - and many do that. But the Watchtower is hoping for the rejection of the old - at that time, having taken a firm stand for 'the truth', most would then move on and begin to cement a relationship with the organization. Thus a new 'disciple' is born out of that process.

    So, could it be that part of the 'poisoning of the well' strategy is an actual awareness of the principle of 'cognitive dissonance.'? I don't know the answer, but that is how I see it working.

    If that is known at HQ, then the effort at manipulation is intentional and immoral.

    Just my opinion


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