What does "having problems" mean in JWland?

by pennycandy 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • pennycandy

    I'm off to visit my JW family for the weekend. I've been fading for about five years, so our visits are always kinda like walking in a minefield.

    Anyway, I've been thinking about my friend R. R and I met and started studying in 7th grade and she is the only person I can say I directly "brought" into the org. She was the sweetest, most generous, naive, funniest, dingy person I know. I've only seen her once or twice since I moved away and got married. I thought I'd look her up this weekend, since she's now moved back to our hometown.

    Talking to my sister on the phone yesterday, I told her I'd like to call up R and visit. My sister said that she had mentioned the same thing to my mom, and my mom had told her that she heard R was not doing well, and having some "problems", so she probably shouldn't contact her right now.

    Two things struck me about that comment. First, having been raised around JW-speak, "not doing well" and "having problems" means that she's not going to meetings, or is depressed, or is doing things she shouldn't be doing, probably a combination of the three. I had both an ache of sympathy for her, and a flash of excitement that maybe she's escaped the org. Knowing R, I would guess she would wallow in guilt for years instead of making a break or researching on her own. So now I really want to call her up, to see how she is and tell her I'm here for her no matter what.

    Second, my mom was like second mom to R. She stayed at our house all the time, hung around with us for all my teenage years. To say 'someone I love is having problems so I'd better stay away from her' is just so typically . . . JW. I know my mom is only trying to protect herself and children but geezsh.

    Anyway, wish me luck . I'm off to save an old friend and try not to get myself disfellowshipped!

  • TheEdge

    I find that odd......leaving people to bear their problems alone? Hmmmmmm, you go and be there for your friend, good luck :))

  • wanderlustguy

    Fine line isn't it? You always want to help the ones you can, but at the same time doing so could cause all kinds of problems. Good luck...oh we can't say that...best wishes...dam, can't say that either...

  • Golf

    Wishing you lots of 'luck.' Everyone needs a little help now and then.


  • Mary
    and my mom had told her that she heard R was not doing well, and having some "problems", so she probably shouldn't contact her right now.

    Uh, isn't that when we're supposed to contact people?? When we KNOW they're having problems? Jeeze, what bizarre logic..........

  • minimus

    If you're not wanting to get df'd, yu MUST let your friend tell you what she feels. If she's a guilty type of person, she will probably go to the elders and say whatever was discussed---even if she agrees with you! So be careful. But gently reinforce that her feelings, if they're vs. the "truth" are things many people have expressed. She is not alone. Then, subtlely tell her the real deal without actually saying it yourself. Use "leading questions". Employ your old JW skills. Maybe you'll right a wrong and get her out, after all!

  • bikerchic
    Anyway, wish me luck . I'm off to save an old friend and try not to get myself disfellowshipped!

    Tread softly! I tried to open the eyes of one of my very best JW friends who has always been considered weak? to no avail. Two days later I got the dreaded email from her that we can no longer communicate because I was a detriment to her faith and relationship with Jehovah.

    If she's a guilty type of person, she will probably go to the elders and say whatever was discussed---even if she agrees with you! So be careful.

    Like mini said it can all be used against you later so if you don't want to be DF'ed don't reveal your true thinking about the B'org.

    Wishing you good luck!


  • franklin J
    franklin J

    anyone who had "problems" .....was referred to as one "who really needed Jehovah and the Truth"...so " lets pray over those problems..."

    ...problems, by the way, are a natural part of living. How we solve our problems says much about us as individuals.....

  • Elsewhere

    You are right, when JWs say that someone "is having problems" and suggests that you not contact them, it means that the person has broken a JW rule.

    Think about it... they know that they person is having difficulty in life and at the same time they are instructing people to NOT help the person. Only a JW could swallow that line of reasoning.

    My suggestion... most certainly contact her to see how she is doing and see if there is anything you can do to help. Just keep in mind that you will have to do this very discreetly so that no JW can discover that you are doing it.

    Since you are doing the fade thing, they?ve still got you on a long leash and could give it hard yank if they don?t like what you are doing. Just be careful.

  • pennycandy

    I know I'll have to be careful. There have only been a few witnesses I've opened my mouth to, and never before I was sure it was safe. Even if her troubles have nothing to do with religion, I still want her to know I'm here for her, whether the truth about the org ever comes up or not.

    I also have an aunt I haven't seen since I was a little girl. She was disfellowshipped about 30 years ago. She also now lives in my hometown but contacting her a little trickier since she's df'd. I'll have to sneak her phone number from my mom's rolodex and not let her know it. But I figure I don't have any excuse for ignoring her and it's now my responibility to say hi.

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