My 8 Foot R/c Plane...

by FMZ 9 Replies latest social physical

  • FMZ

    I know, I know... it's just another big toy... but this rocks!

    It's made of pink foam (it will be covered in black Monocote when finished with flames on the wingtips), and the wingspan is 8 whole feet. Most of the electronics are in there apart from the motor, which shipment was delayed on. When it's done and I have had plenty of practice, I intend on putting a video camera onboard so I can make recordings and see a live preview from the ground as I fly from the viewpoint of the cockpit.

    She's a beauty, and was extremely fun to build. The kit ($45 + $10 shipping) comes all precut with full instructions and numbered parts. Just buy a few little bottles of Elmer's Glue All, and you are ready to go. When it is built, just throw in your own electronics, and voila, you have the biggest toy on the block.

    The designer of this one is making a 24 foot version of it as well! He is making and selling the 8 foot versions to raise funds to build the bigger one. Yep, that's right, an R/c plane with a 24 foot wingspan!


  • xjw_b12

    Looks like something our Canadian Air Force uses....

    Do you need decals for it??

  • Valis


  • AlmostAtheist

    Sweet! That would be a thrill to watch fly, that much more so to actually pilot!

    I have my eye on an r/c helicopter, hopefully in the next week or two. When I get it, I'll post a pic. (Hopefully in the air, not in a busted heap!)


  • BluesBrother

    Are you sure it is not one that George Bush lost over Iran?

  • prophecor

    Cool. I only fly PS2 Ace Combat 04 Shattered Skies, but it would be cool to see a video of that when you get it together!

  • ScoobySnax

    Before you built that......did you reckon on how you are gonna get it through that door?

  • darkuncle29

    Cool dude! Are you going to fly it over nude beaches and stuff too?

  • Puternut

    Yeah that should work. A peptobismol airplane with a camera.. no one will notice when you take their pic.


  • FMZ

    XJW: It will be decorated with various decals... if you want to donate a Canadian Air Force decal (or any other) I will happily put it on there mate. :)

    Valis: Exactly... hehe. This thing *should* be able to haul a water balloon too... oh the fun.. ;)

    AA: I think a helicopter might be a few projects down the line for me. They cost a fair amount and are waay too easy to crash. But... just imagine how awesome it would be to be able to hover over an area with a camera.... heheheh

    Blues: No wonder those things go down so easily.. didn't know they were made of pink insulation foam!

    Prophecor: Yep, I will certainly be posting videos here once I make them. I first want to learn to fly it properly, so I don't risk almost $200 of equipment flying away! I am in a weight loss contest right now to win the money to pay for the camera equipment... and I'll be damned if I lose 30lbs to win $300, to go and lose the camera and transmitter!

    Scoob: The wings detach and you can take them apart. Two 4 foot wings + a 5 foot fuselage isn't too hard to haul around :)

    Uncle: Funny you should say that... see my comment to AA ;) lol.

    Puter: lmao @ Peptobismol... yep, she's awful pink right now. Hopefully she'll be even more noticable when I get my cool black + red flame color scheme on there!


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