Bad news from my blood test :(

by Elsewhere 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • pr_capone

    Sorry to hear about the bad health news mang

    here is wishing you a speedy fix to your cholesterol issues.

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • LittleToe

    RR LDL of 5, huh?
    I think that's the threshhold most Docs here try to tet people down to (I'll check).
    I know one young woman of ideal weight who can't get her's lower than 8 with all the low fat, low sugar, plenty of exercise regimen done correctly. Some people have a propensity to keeping cholesteral around in the system.

  • stillajwexelder

    Less of that good old Texas Beef - more fish and fresh fruit and fresh vegatable

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Bummer Else. So no more late night Whataburgers, eh?

    Hang in there


  • Bryan

    A cup of oat meal every morning!

    I have the same problem.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Elsewhere

    Thanks for all the advice everyone... I think my main problem is that I stopped exercising about a year ago. After work I love to plop down in front of the boob-tube and scratch my kitty behind the ear. I guess that needs to change.

    I rarely ever eat fast food or pizza or anything like that, so I think the main change I need to make is to get back out running like I used to. I'll also look into those grains.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    from experience;my lifes philosophy has become.....

    have another drink; enjoy some good company....and forget about it

  • cruzanheart

    Wait until your foot heals before you start running again! Man, you'd think those 3 flights of stairs to your apartment would do the trick.


  • hillbilly

    Eat Oats daily..........and take at least a 2 mile walk 3 or 4 times a week (or more if you have time).

    You are young, dont sweat the results, just "do it".


  • sunshineToo

    After the baby I gained over 20 lb.

    OK. Elsewhere, you and I , let's hit the gym and give some serious crunches.arrrrrr (hear me roar)

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