Are JW's no part of the world...? I think not!

by dh 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • dh

    Doesn't it make you laugh when you see JW's preaching to themselves that they are no part of the world and should not have any part in the world, one foot in the world and one foot with Jehovah cannot work.

    The question is, if JW's want no part of the world, why do they wear clothes made by worldly people, drive cars designed and made by worldly people, work for worldly people, eat food produced by worldly people, sit on toilets that were designed by worldly people, live in cities and society built and created by worldly people, in fact why do they partake in everything the world offers except a few hand picked things? How can you claim to be 'no part of the world' when you live, breath, eat sleep, drive, fly, live in and everything else as part of it, using the tools that world provides... How can driving a worldy made car and eating worldly made food and all of the above be classed as being no part of the world?

    If JW's really wanted no part of the world, they would live like Hamish, but as with everything else JW, they give a thing a name that it is not, they say they want no part in the world, yet I doubt even the bricks, hard seats and green carpets in their kingdom halls were made by anyone BUT worldly people...

    Do they not see that the world which they speak against so strongly and claim to be no part of is the same world on which they depend on completely to survive.

  • trevor

    You are quite rright about JWs.

    The Watchtower Society and its members enjoy all the benefits that being a part of an organized consumer society brings. The members are employed by the system and in some cases live on social security payments. The Society utilises the most efficient literature production and transportation systems the capitalist world has developed.

    Jehovah's Witnesses benefit daily from the efficient running of schools, food production and emergency services. They are at the forefront in using law courts and governmental law to support their freedom and uphold their human rights. Not only do they benefit from medical advances, but expect preferential treatment to enable operations and organ transplants without blood transfusion. Despite benefiting from the efforts of professional people, they strongly discourage their own members from pursuing higher education.

    Giving to charity is discouraged. All donations are expected to go to the Society, as this is considered the most worthy cause. They quote Jesus words ?You will always have the poor,? as good reason for not giving to the under-privileged. All such assistance is reserved for those in their ?nation.?

    They are no part of the world, in as much as they will not vote or help to organize local government. They are encouraged to avoid training for professional positions and, if possible, full-time work. In terms of receiving the benefits that come from the efforts of others who are not standing back waiting for the world system to end, so that they can inherit the world, they are very much a part of the world.


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Well hello, trevor, it's wonderful to see you post again after nearly 2 years. I was very moved by your last post here - hope you don't mind that I've copied it now.

    I drifted towards the edge of the organization over some years and finaly realised that in the words of the song - 'I had come to doubt all that I once held as true.' will never forget the friends and relatives whose affection I lost, along with the feeling of safety that belonging to the Watchtower Society's world brought me. All my life I had been promised that I would never grow old and die but would live forever on earth, when it was turned into a paradise. Now I realized that I was going to grow old and die like every other human. Coming to terms with the reality of so many wasted years and learning to live outside the organization and accept as worthwhile, people who I had previously condemned, was a long hard climb.

    Unlike so many others I was fortunate enough to have a wife who felt the same as me and we left together and built a new life with new friends and a different and happier outlook.

  • Ticker

    Yah it is tough to realize that the wonderful paradise and all the great sounding things really are not solidly founded. It was hard for me at first to come to terms with it but after I think many doors open up. The world is fun and exciting and not black and white as so often painted. I think its exciting that we can have the freedom to express our own thoughts and ideas as to what the future will hold without having to stay within a narrow mindset of a legalistic org. I know im enjoying my freedom and I personally think we should all be able to enjoy this and if someone tries to counteract our individuality then that should be a warning sign. Not that we should have no guidelines but that we should be able to determine for ourselves what is right and wrong, free of any pressure to conform to set standards. Its called freedom of concience which the watchtower so often states but never exercises.


    Haha if the world shut down tommorow and their were only witnesses left I think we would have a worldwide catastrophe. They have very limited education compared to the norm of society. What about the all thoese nice benefits they recieve from worldly sources, no power, money or fuel, etc., their whole printing empire would come grinding to a halt. Im afraid everything would collapse on them, they would soon realize that the ugly outside world they so often lambaste is much more needed for their survival then they can imagine.


  • trevor

    Hello seeitallclearly -nowtherainhasgone

    Thanks for your kind words. I have been away for a long time, though I have looked in occasionally. Three years ago I released a book about the JWs, and my family all shunned me as was to be expected. I guess I just moved on and stopped looking back. Escapism you might say or real freedom. Anyhow, life is treating me well and I have been working hard and travelling a bit. I now have a new jet speed computer and fast internet connection, so I will visit you all a bit more.

    Be seeing You


  • seeitallclearlynow

    I'm sorry you've been shunned by your family, glad you're able to move on and take it in stride.

    I now have a new jet speed computer and fast internet connection, so I will visit you all a bit more.

    Be seeing You


    Now that's good to hear! Hope so.

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