Jewish sperm had mostly males in it.

by gumby 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • StinkyPantz
    Hi Stinker....if your correct, that would make the bible a lie ya know?......... and all the other books that put men before women in this manner.

    Well, not necessarily. It would just explain why men are exalted more than women. It was commonplace and accepted is all.

    Let's just take Eve's and Noah's offspring. We can at least be sure the first three out of their loins were males. What are those chances in reality?

    Wait.. where does it say that their first offspring were male? I recall the Bible listing males, but did it also include birth order?

  • gumby

    Stinker.....Noah had 3 sons only on the ark...remember? Cain and Abel were the first two Eve had, and Seth was her 3rd. Now open up that black NWT of yours on the nightstand and read it for yerself ya little knucklehead!


  • StinkyPantz
    Cain and Abel were the first two Eve had, and Seth was her 3rd.

    The Bible gives the order of their sons, but not the birth order of ALL of the children (does it?). Seth might've been the 4th child is all I'm saying. Girls could've been in the mix somewhere.

    So I disagree that "we can at least be sure the first three out of their loins were males."

  • DevonMcBride
    I realise that women were also born, or there wouldn't be a jewish race...but WHY are most births recorded of the bible hero's mostly or nearly all men?

    Maybe because the bible writers were chauvinistic. They didn't feel it was important to include stories of women warriors back in the day.

  • stillajwexelder

    Yes, some of these ones had other sons and daughters....but it seems it was the males who always were the first out of the chute. Why? Did god direct the gender? Gumby

    It was a patriarchal society like modern day Middle East so women were almost an irrelevance

  • gumby

    OK....lets take all the barren women who are told by an angel they would concieve. Ever remember it being a girl? Esau and Jacob were sons in the belly of Issacs wife. God even foretold it as he said the older would serve the younger and that they would struggle.

    Sarah was told she would have a son when she was barren....who was Issac.

    Solomons mommy was barren and told she would have a son. Try and find one instance where a girl came out first. If there are will be few to none. (did that make sense)

    Don't MAKE me do more research to prove stuff....ya hear! It's sunday dammit!(<


  • mkr32208

    Now I wonder if a woman who only had daughters was called barren? If so then doesn't that show that the god who inspired the bible was a bit confused to not realize that it's the man who fathers the child who's sperm decides the sex! Seems like a bit of crap to me!

  • gumby

    Lots two daughter are the only example I can think of where a bible hero had only girls. That story however was neccesary to give linage to the Arabs so Israel would have someone else to hate and fight with.

    But.....guess what? When they got their daddy drunk and had sex with him, they both got pregnant right away. Guess what gender their kids were? You'll NEVER guess!

    Boys! Wow we! Both girls had boys....what a damn surprise! I'll find more!!!!! *starts acting crazy and foams at the mouth rippin through his bible*


  • bisous

    the bible is nothing more than a document prepared by men for men. it is not inspired by god. or a god. other than men's godly image of themselves. why are you surprised by-gum? t'aint no thang. us girls weren't considered to big a part of the big scheme o'things ... kinda irrelevant ya dig?

  • gumby

    ey, bisous bitch doll. i get wot your sayin bitch.....but peoples ave to know why da bible is writtun by geeza yous check? it is a massiv thang if your goin to elp them dig wot me is sayin?


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