I am getting that Crisis of Conscience book

by inquirer 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • inquirer

    I am going to read this think you know. A ex-Bethelite (I've never been keen on JW titles!) He should provide me with a lot of interesting information!

    And what's that other book, that one about who wrote the Bible or something? Yeah, might get that too. Someone recommended someone like me should get that book after. Maybe I will or won't. But I believe who wrote the Bible are the authors mentioned back in the New World Translation. So maybe I shouldn't get it then.

    I prefer "critical analyse" topics.

  • inquirer

    I have already ordered for it, and should get it soon.

  • SixofNine

    :But I believe who wrote the Bible are the authors mentioned back in the New World Translation. So maybe I shouldn't get it then.

    Huh? You're saying you shouldn't read something because it conflicts with your preconcieved notions? That attitude will take you far! :rolls eyes:

  • under74

    Crisis of Conscience isn't a book having to do with bible analysis. It's about Raymond Franz experience as a member of the GB. He also wrote In Search of Christian Freedom. They aren't used as arguements against the bible but arguments against the WTS.

    You can find more books at freeminds.org.

  • inquirer

    :But I believe who wrote the Bible are the authors mentioned back in the New World Translation. So maybe I shouldn't get it then.

    Huh? You're saying you shouldn't read something because it conflicts with your preconcieved notions? That attitude will take you far! :rolls eyes:



    For crying out allowed! I don't have to get something if I don't believe it! I've already made up my mind about that kinda thing!

    I am starting to notice, people on this message board are trying to dictate my beliefs! I've never dictated on this message board -- not even once! I've always respected other people's opinions, even though at times I don't agree with them!

    I hope I can get people to agree with what I mean with what beliefs I accept, because people are trying to get me to take away all my beliefs! I don't mind, but I hope it works "the other way round," and have people look down on me.

    It's just rotten eggs at the moment. :(

  • inquirer

    under74, did you read what I said? I prefer "critical analyse" topics! I didn't say just based on the Bible!!!!! As far as I know, this Raymond Franz is being very critical of the JW's -- and I really want to know what he says!

  • under74

    no reason to yell

  • inquirer

    Sorry, it can be frustrating sometimes when my posts are not read properly. It can really put a "bad spin" on what I originally said/meant.

    And if I want to get a particularly book, it's up to me. Goodness me, I may get that "who wrote the Bible" book sometime. It may have some interesting words about it.

  • under74

    nobodys telling you not to get the book.

    Sure it can be frustrating but that's the risk you take when posting or the internet or even e-mailing someone. If you think someone misread what you've written than just write "no, that's not what I meant." And then state what you meant. No offense intended.

    All the best to you.

  • ko38

    I think inquirer has good intentions,Maybe their is a communication difficulty.He's from Australia.

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