speaking of jews...

by in a new york bethel minute 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • fairchild

    Thank you very much, beebee

  • G Money
    G Money

    Jews can be three things:

    1) A race
    2) A religion
    3) An attitude

  • beebee

    Wrong. Judiasm isn't a race, in fact there are Jews of all the major races and have been for thousands of years. There are still groups of Jews in rural China, black Jews, hispanic Jews and of course, European Jews.

    A race is defined as having specific physical characteristics. Jews do not have any common traits, though some with ancestry from a specific geographical region may.

    The race thing is an old lie that we are rather touchy about. (as to stereotypes - my family is mostly blue-eyed blondes and red heads and big ugly noses are rare as is very curly hair)

    An attitude??? Where does that come from? As there are millions of us, it would be tough to pinpoint a common attitude, what's more you cannot just call yourself a Jew and be recognized or accepted by the Jewish community. You must be either born into it, or properly converted. This is one area they do not make exceptions to.

    That's the facts...

  • moshe

    I have to agree with bebee- I converted in 2001- it was a Conservative Temple. Had to study Judaism for six months- learn to read Hebrew and follow the prayer book and have a ritual circumcision-ouch!

    Some Jews talk of heaven- our Rabbi won't rule out reincarnation either- and if this life is all there is, then all the more reason to do mitzvah for family and fellow man. I like being able to have free thought.



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