What's new? -- Gilead and the Spectre of Death

by logansrun 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • logansrun

    Hello again gentle members,

    Remember, I never said I was leaving for good in my "goodbye" post. Seems my life is getting a little more Dubbish of late and I'd thought I'd pull a Michael Jordan "I'm back out of retirement...till next time" and fill you in.

    It's been a busy last couple of weeks. Besides starting a new school and getting involved there (I'm thinking about running for student government...hehe) my family is shriveling before my eyes. Three things in quick succession:

    1) My grandmother -- in her mid-eighties -- enters the hospital with pneumonia. I visited her over the weekend and it seems her mind has taken a turn for the senile. Talking to her by her bedside we had a strange conversation. She thought I wasn't her grandson, but her son! This was weird. Scary. Finally she understood that it was me, but only after a few minutes. My mother took her home from the hospital and she didn't know the area around her house. My mother is frantic that she's going to die soon. Hence, "the spectre of death..."

    2) My uncle's wife is also in the hospital and also possibly near death. The muscles around her lungs don't work anymore. She's on machines to keep her breathing and will undergo steroid treatment to try and reactivate her defective muscles. If this doesn't work..."the spectre of death." (Oh, I've never met this woman by the way. Nor my uncle. He was disfellowshipped well over twenty years ago and I wouldn't know the man if he walked right past me. I called him some months back and told him I was no longer a JW. I asked if he wanted to have lunch. I think this was so shocking and "weird" for him that he didn't give me a response! Nobody said life in a JW/ex-JW family would be a cake walk!)

    and now for the kicker....

    3) I learn that my sister and her husband have been accepted to Gliead and will be leaving for Patterson April 1. (How appropriate!)

    This last item is really the one that's gotten to me. When I left the JWs over two years ago I essentially became dead to my sister, who is almost nine years older than me, by the way. Of course, she's pretty much become dead to me. I guess hearing about this monumental happening in her life just reinforces how far apart -- galaxys apart -- we really are. Obviously she and her husband Tom are thrilled about this "privelege" -- and people are Just So Happy for them as well (except my mom who is not too excited that her daughter will most likely be living in South America for the indefinite future! Just think what she's going to tell people, "Oh, yes my daughter's a missionary and my son's an apostate" LOL )

    Strange goings-on folks. It's hard to put into words the feelings I have about this. It seems my family has just fallen to pieces, for better or worse (did I forget to mention that my other uncle, a loyal JW, has seperated from his loyal JW wife?). I guess the Buddhist idea of the impermanence of life really hits home these days -- the looming death of two family members, the further death of my relationship with my only sibling. Life is always in flux. Carpe diem.


  • LittleToe

    Of those three examples, that latter "spectre of death" is the most concerning.
    However a old Pioneer-turned-Missionary friend of mine once told me that Gilead turns out the best missionaries and the best apostates...
    ...informing their students is the most dangerous thing they can do, and some know it!

    Hope things are going well with ya, Bradley

  • minimus

    I remember, as a kid, trying to understand how Gileadites could ever leave the "truth". Now, I know. We can at least be hopeful!

  • logansrun

    I thought about that, Ross. Sometimes it takes "seeing the top" to notice how crummy the view is.

    And, yes, the thought of death is more menacing than the Gilead thing. It's just weird for me to take, though. I mean, what do I do when I see my sis for the last time? Give her a hug? It's just a very weird situation. But....tough shit for me! Oh well!


    **Of course, I probably should give my df'd uncle another call. At this time he might be more willing to chat.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Hey Logan,

    Good to see you around, sorry it isn't under better circumstances.

    I remember wanting to go to Gilead. I enjoyed Pioneer school and I was sure Gilead would be even better. And of course, you get to go somewhere wild and eat bugs when it's over. I'm sure your sister will have experiences that she'll appreciate, even if she later leaves dubdom.

    "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers? And extending his mouse toward the Member Directory, he said: 'Look! My mother and my brothers! For whoever would buy me a beer if I came to their town, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother."

    We're a poor substitute, I know, but we're here for you.


  • JustTickledPink

    Yeah, I was just thinking that if anything might shock your mind into questioning things, maybe Gilead and the "work" might.

    Everyone in their small congregations always views the problems as being due to the local flock... BUT they always believe that everything up at the top, Bethal, GB, etc are perfect and just this heavenly pure place filled with the Holy Spirit. If they get there and then realize that hey, guess what, it's just like at home they might wake up. Here's hoping it's a move for the best!

    Sorry about your sick family members.

  • MegaDude


    Your sister is on her path. Wait until the Society throws them into some jungle shit-hole for their assignment. It might open her eyes. That's what the Society did to the men in the Ministerial Servants Training School. It had an over 90 percent failure rate with most leaving their assignment.

  • avishai
    She thought I wasn't her grandson, but her son! This was weird. Scary. Finally she understood that it was me, but only after a few minutes

    This has happened to me as well. The next time she may be totally lucid, too, so be prepared for that.

    My uncle and I have a weird xjw relationship as well. See each other once a year and have a great time, but it's still weird. Make the effort if you can, but it can be really akward. . If it's too weird for him, just nod and walk off. It can really hurt even if you never really knew him.

    Man, I am SOOO sorry you are having to deal with all of this bullshit. My younger bro is nine years younger and we're thick as thieves. I could'nt imagine seeing someone older and supposedly "wiser" throwing it all away to go give people much needed magazines instead of those petty things, like "food" and "water. Or say, "medicine" Geez, man. F*&king Gilead.

  • rebel8
    accepted to Gliead and will be leaving for Patterson April 1. (How appropriate!)

    What is Gilead? I forget. Is that the missionary training school? (Do they teach the missionary position there? LOL)

  • czarofmischief

    Hallo, LR - glad to see you back on the court for one more championship... har har har... (I told you so, BTW)

    However, the circumstances are other than we might have hoped. I trust you will feel better soon.

    It is very difficult to try to be friends with ex-JW's. We didn't really have anything other than our religion in common to begin with.

    As for Gilead, the intellectual study there might actually make them MORE open to Bible based arguments regarding 607 and even blood...

    Be strong, big guy, keep the faith!


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