Racial Slurs from the GB

by Poztate 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Poztate

    Another post that I was on triggered a memory of something that happened in the late 60's???

    Two members of the GB... In Canada were on the platform.They obviously knew each other quite well.

    One offered to the other that he was good for a....Can't remember the (insult brit type) laugh that was raised but even then I thought it was out of line.

    Vancouver B.C. 1969????

    Anyone remember something....IT was a brit kind of thing....sorry help me out..

  • pr_capone

    At an assembly in Puerto Rico. A OLD brother used the word jewing, as in "you are jewing me down". He also made refferences to martians though (while holding his fingers up to his head to simulate antennas) so I dont know how seriously one could take him.

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • Poztate
    A OLD brother used the word jewing, as in "you are jewing me down".

    I know... That kind of stuff makes me wince. They don't seem to notice that kind of slur.I think it is because most of them came from the same kind of WASP background.

  • orangefatcat

    True WASP,s have been known to make those racial slurs with out thinking twice about it.

    I know because I use to be one.


  • keeshah

    I didn't realize that "jewing" was a racial slur until about 10-12 years ago. And I'm 37. Sad, isn't it?

  • Poztate
    ... Does anybody want anything while I am out? Milkshakes?

    OH shit...BM Bring me a wopper and while you are at it think of the slur.I am thinking kip.kike...I don't know maybe those are terms of affection in the old country?????

  • kaykay_mp

    Did you guys know that "gyp" is also a racial slur(against Gypsies and other Romanian folk)--like, "that whore gypped me: she only gave me a hand job, and it wasn't even that good!"



  • Poztate

    Little off the subject but one of the old elders in my old (1960"S) congregation whenever he was giving the sunday talk would refer to the "japs and krauts" if he was doing that kind of talk.I brought it up but the elders seemed suprised that I thought it was a problem..1960"s..!!!

  • M.J.

    *** Zion's Watch Tower 1902 July 15 p.215-216 ***
    The secret of the greater intelligence and aptitude of the Caucasian undoubtedly in great measure is to be attributed to the commingling of blood amongst its various branches; and this was evidently forced in large measure by circumstances under divine control.

    *** The Golden Age, July 24, 1929, p. 702 ***
    It is generally believed that the curse which Noah pronounced upon Canaan was the origin of the Black race...They have been and are a race of servants...There is no servant in the world as good as a good Colored servant, and the joy that he gets from rendering faithful service is one of the purest joys there is in the world.

    *** Zion's Watch Tower, August 1, 1898, p. 230 ***
    ...The negro race is supposed to be descended from Ham, whose special degradation is mentioned in Gen. 9:22, 25.

    *** The Golden Age 1926 Mar 10 p.374} ***
    [Orientals are] coolies .. cutthroats and murderers.


  • orangefatcat

    great comments MJ.

    Poztate, I just wanted to mention to you that in the 1960s there was no elder arrangement it didn't come into effect until 1971/72

    Not picking on you just thought you'd like to know.

    Love Orangefatcat

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