Read God's Word the Holy Bible Daily

by Nicodemus 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nicodemus

    Just a quick comment for now, I'll try to get back with more later.

    The impetus for me writing that piece was a recent post by Metatron where he disussed the potential for deep depression, and even possibly suicidal tendencies, from some JWs. If you are sincere, having your faith shaken can be an almost overwhelming experience.

    At the same time, such an experience can also drive you back to your Bible, in an attempt to understand what God truly wants of you. Certain portions, especially when read with an open mind, can serve to reassure and encourage a downhearted one. As I alluded to, it also gives one a basis for evaluating certain messages they constantly receive as JWs.

  • Pathofthorns

    Very nice Nicodemus. I always enjoy your comments.


  • Maximus

    Let me share an outstanding and comprehensive resource on
    English Bible Translations:


  • bjc2012

    Hi Nicodemus and Maximus:

    This is really addressed to both of you. But also, to anyone else who may be interested.

    Nicodemus, you are right. We should read the Bible, daily. Good point.

    But did you catch Max's point?

    "The Society" understands the real meaning of "preach the word," nothing to do with "field service." They correctly applied Acts 20:20 as not having reference to the door-to-door work, but trotted it out again when it suited them. Reading the Bible convinces me that Jesus did not have in mind an enforcing system that demands field service reports to produce numbers, numbers, numbers, which indicate "blessing."

    In other words, the WTS does NOT respect the Bible. They do not obey it, as God's Word. Therefore, the Bible says, God CANNOT give His spirit freely to them, because they do not "obey him as Ruler." The WTS is DISOBEDIENT to Jehovah God. Therefore, Jehovah's Spirit is simply NOT there at all. It cannot be. - See Acts 5:32.

    In their disobedience, they issue "commands of men as doctrines," like the field service reports mentioned above my Max. No scriptural support whatsoever, but all JWs participate...willingly.

    What do you call this?

    Idolatry...plain and simple. Putting man's word AHEAD of God's.

    "It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines." -- Matt. 15:9

    But the strange thing about this whole situation is, really, all of us know this verse above. But do we apply it as we know we should.

    John 15:1-9 shows, God's Word makes us "clean." But only if we obey and carry out his commandments, obey. Also, we "must remain in union with" Jesus Christ and the example he left us, to "bear much fruit."

    Reading God's Word and doing it, is 2 distinctly different things. Are we reading God's Word, yes, but also, are we more importantly, DOING HIS WILL, carrying out His Word.

    As I said above, all 6 million JWs are familiar with the verse quote above about "obeying man's commandments" as if it was a "doctrine" from God. But who is actually demonstrating to God, that they believe it, truly from the heart? Who are really obedient to the Word of God, among JWs worldwide? That's the question.

    When the WTS goes wrong, then, what do we do? Interesting scenario, especially from the Devil's perspective. That's what he wants to know.

    What happens to us, when our supposedly Faithful & Discreet Slave, goes off the deep in, then what?

    Isn't it a fact, that we all know full well, The WTS has "put their threshold" and "doorpost" right beside Jehovah's "threshold" and "doorpost." Yes, they have put their "doorpost" and "threshold" right beside Almighty God's with only a "wall" between them. And we must also know then, regrettably, that in their so doing, they have "defiled God's Holy Name." I said they have "DEFILED GOD'S GLORIOUS NAME." This is what they have done. They have committed "idolatry." Plain and simple. And they have 6 million "IDOLATROUS" followers too. In God's eyes. -- See Ezekiel 43:8.

    You see, that's as long as, all 6 million JWs, give moral or financial support, going to the meetings, singing the "kingdom songs," praying that God bless this filthy, idolatrous and unrepentant organization with each and every prayer offered up to God, yes, and just as long as we willingly remain a part of this idolatrous, filthy organization, then, WE ALSO ARE HELPING TO "DEFILE GOD'S HOLY NAME" either directly or indirectly. -- See Ezekiel 43:8

    Leviticus 4:3 shows that the spiritual leaders of the nation of Israel, could even "bring guiltiness" upon the entire nation, by the decisions they made. In other words, "if the blind leads the blind," they both fall in the pit, as Jesus said about the Pharisees and religious leaders of his day.

    Let's think back, back when people wanted to get baptized, leave the churches and become Jehovah's witnesses. What did we tell them? We told them to RENOUNCE their former faith, RENOUNCE their former support given to "Babylon the Great." They must write a "letter of resignation" and send it to the former church organization. We told them they must make a PUBLIC STAND for righteousness. They must indeed, demonstrate to Jehovah and Jesus, yes SHOW JEHOVAH publicly, they meant what they said, that they were serious and had every intent on giving acceptable worship to Jehovah, thru Jesus Christ His Son. He must put the public on notice, that's what we told them. Its in the "Live Forever" book, and the "truth" book. We remember.

    Now, the "shoe is on the other foot." What are we to do now? The WTS is the villian now.

    We must do, no different than what we "preached" to others. We must follow our own advice, to have Jehovah's favor. And Jesus', no less will do. We must "practice what we have preached" now, for so many years. Will we firmly reject unrighteousness, idolatry, when it is done in the Name of Jehovah God.

    A very unique situation, maybe one that we did not think would ever exist, but it does. Now, we must act accordingly, to demonstrate to Jehovah our true intent here. Just as we recommended to many others who were "babes in the faith." Now, we must take our own "medicine," our own advice. "Whats good for the goose,..." you know.

    Clearly, by now, we must know, indeed everyone on this discussion board knows without a doubt, that the WTS and Governing Body are viewed as "gods" within the organiation, within the congregations worldwide, within Jehovah God's Temple, pure and simple. They have demonstrated this because they can do exactly as the Pope does for the Catholic Church, they can even "add" to the scriptures, change the Bible or the intent of God's Word, or even "invalidate" it, like the intent of Matthew 28:19. We know what it says. We know Baptism and how it is supposed to be conducted. Where we are suppose to "baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit," only. And NOT instead to a "spirit-directed organization." The original questions we had were fine. But how about the 1985 changes in the dedication, baptismal questions? That's a clear-cut invalidation of God's Direct Command, issued by the Head of the Congregation, Jesus Christ. Is it not?

    But do you see any complaints, any vocalization of those complaints within the organization? Any body speaking out about it? When the elders are questions, they simply say, "there is nothing wrong with the baptismal questions, the changes.

    We just quietly, sheepishly, meekly led to the "slaughter." The WTS' just says "Jump!" And we say, "How high?" That's all we see, isn't that true.

    It is their word that "reigns supreme," in all cases, regardless of what God's Word has to say on the subject. (The constant complaints we hear on this board are ample proof of the above statement. They are truly "untouchables" within this organization. They cannot be disciplined by any man at all.) That's all we see, right?

    So, we should just go along with it, meekly, sheepishly, with no open complaints at all. Just "wait on Jehovah." He will straighten it out, right? (I realize there are "behind the scene" efforts of "reformers." But no efforts of "reform" that are "visible" to rank and file. Nothing that would show "dissension" among the brotherhood.) Therefore, for the sake of "appearances," we "go along to get along," right?

    But subtle "changes" are being made, "behind the scenes," slowly but surely.

    But we are talking about idolatry here! We may need to review Joshua 22nd chapter, to get in mind the problem we are dealing with here. This is actually, an Emergency Situation we have on our hands! -- See also Deut. 13:12-18.

    Whether we realize or not, we are all "on trial" here. Jehovah and Jesus are watching us, to see if we are like "Phinehas," one who tolerates no rivalry toward Jehovah's Name." Are we like them? Will we stand up or not. Will copy the example of faithful men of old.

    Men like Elijah, who stood up to the wickedness of Jezebel and King Ahab...the wicked rulers of Israel at that time. Also Elisha too.

    How about Moses. His standing up to the powerful Pharoah of Egypt, who himself at this time was viewed as a powerful god himself, one to be worshiped. But Moses stood up.

    Moses refused to participate in Egyptian "IDOLATRY."

    Elijah refused to participate the "sorceries" and "idolatries" of King Ahab and Jezebel.

    These men put their very lives "on the line." They were men of faith, the Bible tells us.

    And Paul, a christian example of faith, who risked his life many times for the brothers and for truth and righteousness.

    Paul wrote all who were serious about being servants of Jehovah and followers of Christ,

    Simple, straightforward advice,

    "Therefore my beloved ones, FLEE FROM IDOLATRY." -- 1 Cor. 10:14

    The Bible says, "flee from idolatry." That means, we must "flee" from an organization that is willingly, unrepentantly continues in soliciting "idolatry" from its membership too. Flee from the JWs too, as an organization, to maintain our good relationship with God.

    The organization of JWs is terribly "unclean" spiritually, in the eyes of Jehovah God. It is filthy, rife with "idolatry" and worship of men, the G.B. and the WTS. But God wants to know, "who is on His side?" Who is willing to stand up against "idolatry." Who is willing to Stand "On Jehovah's Side," just as Moses said. -- Exodus 32:26

    The G.B. wickedness is "full blossom" where everyone of us can see it. They are not hiding it at all even. In fact, if you don't believe it,

    Read the following and see if the Governing Body and WTS do not completely "fit the bill" and description of the infamous, well I won't say who it is, but just compare if you will.

    "He is set in opposition and lifts himself up over everyone who is called god or an object of reverence, so that he sits down in the temple of THE GOD [Jehovah's temple] publicly showing himself to be a god." -- 2 Thess. 2:4

    They fit this inspired "description" perfectly.

    Let's innumerate.

    By this year of 2001, we can say with completely confidence, that the Governing Body & WTS clearly have over the past few years, since their conception as of Dec. 1975, done the following things without any remorse or trace of repentance:

    1. "set themselves in opposition" to God Jehovah & Jesus Christ,

    by many, many acts of disobedience such as change dedication questions, issuing commands not found in Bible, like "turn in field service time," and so on.

    2. "lifted themselves up over everyone who is called god or an object of reverence,"

    They constantly down the "Pope," in their publications; and any other "object of reverence," like the many "Reverends," and other religious leaders of our day, constantly downing them in the magazines. Downing their religions. They "lift themselves up" over these ones, by saying they are "more righteous," more faithful, dutiful to Jesus Christ, the Head of the Congregation. But they are not. They direct the worship of all JWs toward themselves, in the same fashion of the Pharisees of Jesus' day. Which means they are under the direct control of Satan the Devil, the "ruler of the [Jewish] world [Greek: kosmos]" of Jesus' day. Satan controlled the Pharisees and religious leaders of Jesus' day. Satan controlls the Governing Body and WTS, its the same. -- See John 14:30

    And since Satan the Devil, CONTROLS the Governing Body and the WTS, this is why they will never repent of their sins, no more than the Pharisees would. Jesus said to the Pharisees, "how shall you flee from the judgment of Gehenna." No resurrection for them. -- Matthew 23:33

    It is Satan, then, that leads this organization, into "idolatry." And nothing can stop this. Jehovah and Jesus did not stop it, in the first century per the Pharisees' leadership, and it is not going to be stopped in our time, per the Governing Body's and WTS staff's leadership of the JWs worldwide organization.

    3. "he sits down in the Temple of THE GOD"

    Jehovah's Temple, People called by God's Name, Israel. This is where he rules, right in front of Jehovah God, right up to His face.

    But Jehovah said, "I will be jealous for my name." Jehovah will Act, at the appropriate time, in behalf of His Name. "I will show exclusive devotion for MY NAME," and "I will be ZEALOUS FOR MY NAME," Jehovah has said. -- See Ezekiel 39:25, KJV, NWT, NIV. See also Ezekiel 36:22, 23

    We can be like Phinehas, "zealous for God's Name," one who "tolerates no rivalry for our God" and Act. Or, we can "shrink back" and not ACT. -- Numbers 25:11-13; Psalms 106:30; Hebrews 10:38, 39

    Act, how?

    "Flee from idolatry,"

    Yes, flee from an "idolatrous" organization, and the "leavous teachings" of the G.B. and WTS. It exists, and has been proven over and over on this particularly discussion A "little leaven ferments the whole lump" or organization before God. (See Matt. 16:12; Gal. 5:9) That's "works" that back up our professed faith, the faith we claim to have. Separate ourselves from an "idolatrous" organization, who clearly "defiles God's Glorious Name."

    That's what we need to do.


    If we want to be a "guest in God's Tent," this is what we must do. If we want to have God's favor. -- Psalms 15:1-5

    Psalms 15:1-5

    asks the question that we are all very concerned with,

    "O Jehovah, who will be a guest in your tent? Who will reside in your Holy Mountain?

    (1) He who is walking faultlessly and practicing righteousness.

    If we positively know this, that the JWs organization is not doing this, but practicing wickedness, then how can we expect to find favor with Jehovah God, knowing the organization is doing the exact opposite, and offending God & Jesus constantly with their bad conduct?

    We remember the wise words spoken to King Jehoshaphat when faced with "internal wickedness among the clan" of God's People,

    "Is it to the wicked that help is to be given, and is it for those hating Jehovah that you should have love? And for this there is indignation against you from the person of Jehovah." -- 2 Chron. 19:2

    Is this they way we show Jehovah God "love," by supporting an organization that defames Him, takes glory away from Him, a headquarters staff that is not even the least bit "sensitive" to detracting from the Glory of God. Shall we support these "infidels?" These unrepentant Scoundrels? Shall we? -- Isa. 42:8

    (2) He has not slandered with his tongue and to his companion he has done nothing bad, and no reproach has he taken up against his intimate acquaintance.

    Every time we sit on a Judicial Committee to "judge" someone, or just being a member of a congregation, give "silent" support to a disfellowshiping of an innocent, brave brother, who must be "punished", because he openly disagrees with the WTS wickedness, policy or practice, doctrine or whatever, we are doing the above. Namely, we are "slandering" our "brother," our "intimate acquaintance." We are helping in the "reproach" of an innocent "brother." But innocent ones are being disfellowshiped by this "wicked" organization, every day, around the world, because they are finding out about this "wicked" organization, and how the organization does not want to repent and make much needed changes.

    Suddenly the most VOCAL organization, the organization that has condemned virtually everyone, every organization upon earth, suddenly, we are now SILENT.

    We do not know what to do, and what to say at all.

    However, our course, without hesitation, should be as follows:

    Proverbs 31:8,9 says,

    "Open your mouth for the speechless one, in the cause of all those passing away [disfellowshiped]. Open your mouth, judge righteously and plead the cause of the afflicted one and the poor one."

    How many of us are doing this?

    Yes, if we do, of course, we will be persecuted for doing this. But, this is the course that Jehovah God recommends. Yes, we may even be "disfellowshped" for doing this. But, this is what we SHOULD DO. For the sake of the oppressed, the poor, the speechless ones, the ones "passing away," the ones "afflicted" by the wicked WTS.

    "Open your mouth," for those who are "speechless," and "passing away." We must stand up, for those who are "afflicted," the "poor ones" in our midst. Someone must stand up for them.

    (I think this has been "Metatron's" biggest gripe, no one stands up, at all in the organization; everybody's invisible, quite invisible and talking about "reform," while , thousands are "perishing," dying every day, disfellowshiped every day.)

    And yet, we support the organization, laugh and shake hands when we meet and greet our "brothers" at the Kingdom hall, as if we are at peace. But are we really at "peace"? Not according to what we see vocalized on this board. But you couldn't tell it if you visited one of our 90,000 congregations worldwide. There is no one "standing up," acting the part of an "interposer." Thru out the entire nation, no "interposer" for God! This was unthinkable, so much so, that Jehovah God "showed Himself to completely astonished." -- See Isaiah 58:1; 59:15, 16.

    (3) In his eyes anyone contemptible is certainly rejected, but those fearing Jehovah he honors.

    The WTS is the "contemptible" one here, and should be firmly "REJECTED." They should be "rejected" they same Paul said a man who "promotes a sect" is "rejected," after being warned an ample amount of times. The WTS & Governing Body, then, should be "rejected." Jehovah God and Jesus REQUIRE THIS FROM US, as individuals, as christians, we must boldly "reject" them. -- Titus 3:10

    (4) He has sworn to what is bad for himself, and yet he does not alter...He that is doing these things will never be made to totter."

    We have all "sworn" to do what is right and upright in the eyes of Jehovah God and Jesus Christ, our exemplar. We have "sworn" to God's Will before Him, to the best of our abilities. We have "sworn." Now, we must NOT "alter" from that "sworn oath." We must now find a "way out," because it becomes something "bad" in our eyes, to completely carry out Jehovah's will. We must take the good with the bad here.

    The WTS and G.B. have gone against Jehovah God. That's fact. Now, we have to stand up to them, and tell them to their faces. Do we have the courage? The spiritual strength, to speak boldly to our former "mentors." The "bad" that may come our way that we are not anxiously awaiting, may be the "disfellowshiping" power they have. To be treated as an "outcast." To be reproached by a wicked organization, who knows to obey without question, an organization that will quickly dishonor God's Name at the direction of the wicked, "Jezebel" Headquarters staff, the G.B. and WTS staff.

    I'll speak of a very interesting point about Jesus' ministry. Even though Jesus was a perfect man, and had kept the Mosiac Law perfectly, up until the age of 30, still, there is one thing that he needed to do. He needed, at the appropriate time, during his ministry to DENOUNCE the wickedness of the Pharisees and religious leaders of his day. And we know, His Father saved this privilege of DENOUNCING the Pharisees for the last 3 1/2 years of his ministry. But actually, ALL ISRAELITES had this particular responsibility, if one fully understands the "consequences" of the actions and teachings of the Pharisees. The law applied to every Israelite. Here is the particular law that Jesus followed:

    "You must not hate your brother in your heart. You should by all means REPROVE YOUR ASSOCIATE, that you may not bear sin along with him." -- Leviticus 19:17

    Jesus did this. We should do the same, to free ourselves from sin.

    The WTS and G.B. can be no exception in this matter.

    So, if we want to be a "guest" in Jehovah's "Holy Mountain," then we must NOT "alter," nor compromise. Neither will be acceptable to our God and Father. No. We must not "alter" our course at all, just as Jesus didn't "alter" his. He "willingly" drank the "cup" that Satan made up for him. No, Jesus did not alter at all. But he drank the most distasteful "cup." And so should we. We must not "alter," but do God's Will in this matter. We must do what "God wants" in this matter, not what we want. -- Mark 14:36

    The scriptures promise, that we "will never be made to totter." We will never fall, even OUT THE ORGANIZATION! We will be made to stand, for God and Jesus stands with us. Jehovah has promised that he will be with us, if we do what we know to be right. But, "if one knows how to do what is right and yet does not do it, it is a sin for him." -- James 4:17

    We must do what is right, in God's eyes, to be permitted as a "guest into His Holy Mountain," or God's Kingdom. This is our test, to show that we are "worthy" to be admitted into God's Kingdom.

    And may God help us all, do just that!

    I appreciate both of your perspectives on this topic, and I welcome your comments and unique/insightful perspectives on what I have written above, or issues germaine to the subject matter.

    Thank you.


  • Outaservice


    Just wanted you to know I enjoyed your post and support your comments.

    Outaservice (But still counting my time)

  • Tina


    A careful reading of the story of Lot.......19,31-38.
    What is the moral imperative of incest? Tina

  • logical

    Wow bjc, are you on speed? People moan about AGuest's long winded topics... at least hers are truthful.

    By this year of 2001, we can say with completely confidence, that the Modern Day Servant clearly has over the past few years, since his conception as of 1992, done the following things without any remorse or trace of repentance:

    "set himself in opposition" to the True Christ,

    "he sits down in the "Kingdom" of THE GOD"

    This is where he professes to rule, right in front of God, right up to His face

    AGuest, good point. Those 2 scriptures show what the Word of God REALLY is.

  • Tina

    back to top...waiting for comment.T

  • Nicodemus

    To All:

    I appreciate the comments in reply to my post. I’m not going to go into great depth with replies in certain areas, because I think they divert from the intent of what I wrote.

    As I said above:

    The impetus for me writing that piece was a recent post by Metatron where he disussed the potential for deep depression, and even possibly suicidal tendencies, from some JWs.

    However, I will make a couple of brief comments in response:

    I can certainly sympathize with a lot of what you wrote, and see your viewpoint. I will tell you, however, that I don’t agree with all of it.

    For example, my view of the 1985 baptism question change differs somewhat from that of some. I’ve read many comments regarding “dedication to an organization.” However, from the w6/1/85, here is the wording of the two baptismal questions:

    w85 6/1 30 Subjecting Ourselves to Jehovah by Dedication
    The first question is:

    On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?

    The second is:

    Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization?

    Now, before I go any further, let me first clearly state that I like the two questions asked prior to 1985 better than I do the current questions. Since I myself was baptized prior to 1985, I answered “yes” to the “old” questions.

    However, to be fair with respect to the “new” questions, I only see the word “dedication” used in the first question, clearly in connection with Jehovah. A comparison between the “old” and “new” questions makes it appear that the essence of the two “old” questions was essentially condensed to become the first of the two “new” questions. I will say that I would have liked to see, per Matthew 28:19, a reference to the holy spirit.

    The second question asks whether the candidate clearly understands that their baptism identifies them as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Since there can be no disputing that their baptism does so identify them, simply asking them whether they understand that does not strike me as particularly heinous. Perhaps one of our astute ex-Bethelites can shed some more light on this issue. I suspect that there may have been legal reasons for this. I honestly don’t find it as offensive as some do.

    I didn’t write my post to get into a discussion of every passage in the Bible, and my view of it. There are passages that I have just as hard a time understanding as anyone else. Please consider my explanation above as to the reason for my post.

    With respect to your question, though, a Question From Readers in the w5/15/72 dealt with this issue. I think the answer given there is as good as anything I could share with you.

    Also, if you look at my post carefully, you’ll notice that it wasn’t, per se, a defense of Lot. Rather, it was an attempt to show that Jehovah can value and work with a person, despite, or in spite of, what could be termed as “failures” on their part.

    I think this agrees with the import of Romans 5:8

    Romans 5:8
    8 But God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer
    A careful reading of the story of Lot.......19,31-38.
    What is the moral imperative of incest? Tina

    Tina, I don’t understand your question. To me the incident speaks badly of the two girls’ morals and says little of Lot’s. Lot’s daughters dishonestly conspired to commit incest and did knowingly commit incest. Lot drank too much. You apparently believe Lot too was guilty of knowingly committing incest. If so, how do you get this from the reference?

    I do not want to take away from Nicodemus’ comforting message, but I would like an understanding of your question.

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