Some JWs Are "In The Closet"

by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • BrendaCloutier
    Hey Brenda: Nicely expressed! Closets have their beneficial uses - especially when the individual is just wanting to have the time and space to work out how they want to live their life. Closets can be welcome retreats from a harsh world lacking in empathy!

    As an adult in the harried work-a-day world, I found solitude under my desk, with the chair pulled in!

  • Poztate
    Even when we're out, we're not really *out* because we still have to try to deal with our broken family ties, friendships, etc. that are ruined because of this religion.

    Life would be a lot easier if there was no DF'ing or DA'ing. This is the control that the WT uses to make sure that once you are "IN" you can never get out. Most never really see the "iron fist" of control that the WT uses until they have signed up and by then it is too late.

    For me,I have two choices...divorce my wife and walk away from family and extended family or fade below their radar screen and not cause problems for them. I choose to fade but because of this the WT still owns a piece of me. I hate it but it is my choice. Others have taken the other way out and I commend them if that is what works for them.

  • truth_about_the_truth

    Yes. I'm definitely in the closet and looking for a good opportunity to come out. BTW, this is a great analogy.

    I empathise with a lot of the comments posted on this thread because of the repurcussions of coming out at the wrong time. The price may be too high to pay. I'm keeping my eyes open though. There seems to be some positive signs recently with the lack of growth and cutting back of the "spiritual food" ....It will happen.."In due time".

  • prophecor

    I usually don?t respond to threads, because I don?t really have anything to say beyond what others have already posted, and there are some really smart people....who say it ....much better ...

    Tom, with the energy you've brought to this thread, for you to continue to hold back and hold out from responding, here as well as other posts, only cheats yourself and the rest of us by your holding on to the belief that your opinions are not worthy of consideration.

    I actually enjoyed reaing your personal thoughts. I also feel were you to share more, you would come to view yourself as a valuable asset to the community.

  • Poztate

    Tom, with the energy you've brought to this thread, for you to continue to hold back and hold out from responding, here as well as other posts, only cheats yourself and the rest of us by your holding on to the belief that your opinions are not worthy of consideration.

    Tom , I agree and please do no refrian from speaking up. Your opinions and thoughts are as valid as any others on this DB


  • minimus

    Come out of the closet, Tom.

  • steve2
    While I am df'ed, I have to be on the 'low-down' around my JW family about my 'apostate' ideas. They for sure do not know just how opposed I am.

    This is so true. JWs can cope with someone being df'ed for "immorality" or unethical business practices, for two examples, because such a person may well still believe the Watchtower's role in God's purpose. But, in the JWs eyes, apostates are the lowest of the low. When I was first df'ed, some of the most "hurtful" shunning I experienced was by other df'ed people who did not want to be seen associating or even talking to someone else who no longer believed in the Watchtower Society.

  • minimus

    I love it! Df'd people shunning other df'd ones self-righteously.

  • prophecor

    Life would be a lot easier if there was no DF'ing or DA'ing. This is the control that the WT uses to make sure that once you are "IN" you can never get out.
    Welcome to the Hotel California.

  • BrendaCloutier

    (((( Minimus ))))

    I want to say I really do understand remaining in the closet out of necessity for family. The difficulty is no greater of less than if a person were of a different sexual orientation, and the issues so very similar, especially within a group of people so hardcore in their beliefs doctrine and dogma.

    I have a great respect for anyone in that situation. Even walking red dots like yourself!

    BTW, hows MiniMom?

    Hugs to you my red-dot friend


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