Internal Reaction to Monthly Awake

by ezekiel3 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ezekiel3

    Well the news is getting around within the congregations about the Awake! going to a monthly beginning 2006.

    Some reactions from active JWs:

    One sister actually dances a jig.

    Another sister proclaims, "Isn't it just amazing how the Slave knows just what we need."

    Another sister, "Good, there's was just too much fluff in there anyway."

    A brother, "I wonder what they will do with all the new presses. You know the last time they improved the presses, the Berlin Wall came down, maybe this will be the same thing."

    Always amazing when something like this happens. For a brief moment JWs express how they really feel.

  • DevonMcBride

    Imagine their responses if the Watchtower magazine went monthly.

  • seattleniceguy

    LOL...Funny stuff, Zeke!

    One sister actually dances a jig.

    Another sister proclaims, "Isn't it just amazing how the Slave knows just what we need."

    I recall similar reactions when the pioneer hours were reduced to 70 a month.

    Another sister, "Good, there's was just too much fluff in there anyway."

    That's so hillarious. Just a couple months ago, a person would have been considered disloyal for suggesting that the contents of the Awake were "fluff" or that it would be better for it to go to one issue a month.

    I think you make an interesting point about getting honest reactions when there is a big change like this. Of course, the censor-filter is still on, and Witnesses try to make sure their expressions match the new official sentiments, but the juxtaposition of the new sentiments with the sentiments that were being expressed just days or weeks previous makes for interesting food for thought.


  • 95stormfront

    I don't think the realization of this has hit my JW relatives yet. They've mentioned absolutely nothing about it.

    I'm being somewhat careful not to since I've made it clear that I'm not interested in anything JW.

    If I did, I know I'd be sure to get "the look".

  • AlmostAtheist
    Imagine their responses if the Watchtower magazine went monthly.

    Or if they suddenly decided to stop mailing subscriptions! Oh. Oh wait. Yeah, that's right. Never mind. (wanders off muttering 'simplification my a__...')

  • ezekiel3

    Yes, this is all pre-spin. The March Kingdom Ministry's official announcement will allow the Borg will assimilate random opinions.

    Expect the standard talking points after that: "Oh yes, emphasis on the Bible. What a bounteous provision!"

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    My sister whose also a pioneer knew about the change for several weeks. Her words:" I'm glad. It's time I can spend reading something else, like some of the classics" - She be blood after all.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I have thought for a while now that the reason for 2 issues of both magazines was part of the mind control efforts of the Borg. There just is not much time left for the busy witness to read or think about anything else. It is also a great guilt-inducing method. If you find time to read let's say - the newspaper, but didn't read the latest magazines - great guilt would overcome you at times.

    I seriously wonder here, if this change will allow some to think. But I suppose the org will make sure they fill the void somehow. Heaven forbid that a witness might find time to read the classics, as mentioned!

    On the other hand - many witnesses don't actually read the Awake anyway. I know I rarely did!

    Just my opinion


  • stillajwexelder

    It does not matter what the organization says or does - the brothers will always put positive spin on it

  • RunningMan

    So, NOW we know why the Berlin wall came down.

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