Tuesday's Joke

by Tishie 2 Replies latest social humour

  • Tishie

    A woman goes to the doctor about an embarassing problem.

    When they are alone in the room, she tells him, "Doc, lately I've had the most terrible gas! I am passing gas left and right, and large amounts, too! It's very physically uncomfortable. Fortunately, it is silent and odorless. In fact, this is rather embarassing, but I've passed gas three times just since I started telling you about it!"

    The doctor says, "Okay, ma'am, we'll try to get you all fixed up. First, I want you to take this medicine three times a day. Come back in a week and we'll see how you are doing."

    So, the next week, the woman returns and says, "Doc, it's even <I>worse</I> now! Not only am I still passing gas as before, but now it's got a terrible odor!"

    The doctor says, "Okay, well now that we've got your sinuses all cleared up, let's work on that hearing!"

  • Pathofthorns

    Cute, very cute



  • Simon

    Thanks Tishie...v.good

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