Do you hate dressing up?

by Nosferatu 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    I can't stand wearing suits for anything. I wore them so much while I was a JW that I prefer to never wear another one as long as I live. Hell, I wore jeans at my wedding!

    I always ended up with some other JW kid's hand-me-downs for suits. I usually got hand-me-downs from the fat kids. The pants were extremely large which required me to always wear a belt with them.

    Anyone else have this extreme hate for suits / dresses?

  • happy camper
    happy camper

    I hate to wear dresses or skirts. Yes, probably due to the fact that I was forced to dress up for the meetings all my life. I never wear dresses, unless it is an emergency that I have to.Not to mention pantyhose. Yuck !!!!!

  • unique1

    DITTO Happy camper!!!

    I only wear dresses when it is a special occasion, you know like the company Christmas party or if I am in a wedding.

  • brutusmaximus

    I wear suits for work but I don't mind it as it is easy to put on.


  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    It's nice to get all dressed up and girly ONCE in a while. It's nice to get extra attention from the boyfriend in a sexy gettup.

    Of course, I don't think the dresses I own NOW are society approved...

  • iiz2cool

    I have to dress up occasionally for functions that are work related, but I don't mind it. But I'm glad I don't have to do it several times a week anymore.


  • Goldminer

    I work in a mine so I like to put my suit on once in a while,I look more like a banker than a miner,and my wife thinks I look great dressed up.I wouldn't want to do it everyday though.

  • blondie

    When the occasion calls for it, such as work or going to a funeral (not that many do any more, it's just me). I try to dress nice for weddings and family parties but I leave the ermine at home. I work in a professional setting and at hearings and in court we are more dressed up then when working in our office. Meeting customers and clients usually dictates a more formal dress too.

    I guess it just depends on your field of employment.


  • mtbatoon

    Yes!! And I hate them with a passion too.

    But if I had or hadn?t been a JW the answer would have been the same. I?m one of these people who you put a suit on and instantly look like I?ve just slept in it. Apart from the itchy hand-me-down suit that was too tight and too long for me I didn?t wear a suit to the KH just a shirt, tie and my school trousers. There?s me, short little fat kid in a shirt and tie getting picked on by all the suited and booted JW kids. Getting picked on by JW kids and being called school trouser boy, now that low *reaches for the Kleenex*.

  • avishai

    Nope, I love it, but then when when I was a dub I went to the thrift stores and got vintage suits from various era's and/or 1940's handpainded ties and thoroughly pissed off the elders. But was usually dressed so apropriately they could'nt say anything more than "Oh, that's an interesting tie". So I still like it.

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