DF'd, and responses from your friends

by catchthis 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • catchthis

    I have noticed several people on this board who are relating their experiences about being df'd very recently. I am no exception. Is the Society purging everyone at once right now? Some sort of Winter cleaning? Prior to my df'ing announcement being made tomorrow night, I wrote a letter to all of my family and good friends explaining what was going to happen and the reasons for it. Reading through the many stories and experiences of other people on this board over the past several years, I had a very good idea of what to expect. What I did differently though was to try and find a pattern between those who received my letter compared to those I spoke to in person. I held back from sending my letter to a very select group of friends.

    In my letter, I gave very specific details on why I cannot believe certain doctrines any longer. I used quotes from the WT literature to back up all of my assertions and points. I left no room to refute my explanations, even from the Society's viewpoint. Interestingly enough, of all who received my letter, only two witnesses replied to me. Needless to say, they were shellshocked to hear about my current stance towards the organization. At no point in their reply did they try to discuss my concerns relating to the WTBTS. Instead, they informed me that they were sorry to hear about what was going to happen and that they also hoped that I would see the error of my ways and return. I was also told not to initiate contact with them or their families under any circumstances during my df'd period.

    The few I called and spoke to in person took on a very different tone. A couple of them confided in me that they too have some reservations about the organization but where else is there to go? I stayed away from telling them the points I brought up in my letter. I kept it simple and to the point. I had simply questioned the organization and made my views known to other witnesses, is what I told them. Amazingly, they all understood and were very supportive. They did not shutdown immediately and refuse to speak to me. The force field did not pop up. Each one of them had a sad voice when they spoke to me. They would be as supportive as they could without revealing to other witnesses of their contact with me. Not all of them said this, only two of them did. It was these witnesses that I spoke to in person who I felt that in the past had issues with the WTS. I am glad I spoke to them instead of sending my letter. I was hoping for the same understanding from other very good friends that I sent my letter to, but so far all I have received in response is silence or rejection.

    So what did I learn from this experience? If you are in my position and you know you will be df'd sooner or later, it may be a good idea to not write a letter to your friends. You may find that by simply making a phone call, your good friends will be more apt to respond to you in a positive way. Though the words in a letter carry long-lasting effects and can be saved forever, they also cannot be taken back once written and sent out. I now look at the letter I sent and wish I could go back and rewrite it. I feel that I focused too much on the negative aspects of the organization and where they erred. For many witnesses, this could be seen as an attack on them, not on the organization. I know that many here have written letters prior to their df'ing explaining where the organization is doctrinally wrong. I did the same but now realize that even your closest friends will ignore you and may even in the future never speak to you not matter what the circumstances.

    So has anyone else here noticed the same pattern when you were df'd or did you experience it differently?

  • Puternut

    Congratulations, according to them you are now officially an apostate.


  • Narkissos

    To write or not to write? My sad experience is that it doesn't change much.

    I had a few live contacts with various people in my last congregation after I was df'd. They knew me very well and were aware of my recent evolution, actually they were quite fascinated with it. But the pressure of the organisation was just too hard, and it didn't last.

    There was a sister especially, another special pioneer in that cong. We had been reading the NT in a small group for some months and she was always there and enjoyed it a lot. After I was df'd she couldn't stop talking with me. But when she went to the meetings she felt guilty and confessed to the elders. The next time she would see me she would talk with me, and then back to the elders. After a few weeks she lost her "privileges" (which were her only source of income). But still she wouldn't leave the org. I finally advised her that we shouldn't meet anymore, because she was breaking down.

    As for those who were far (in my previous congregations) and didn't really understand what had happened to me, I wrote a couple of letters to the most intimate friends, and never got any answer.

    Once I went back to a city where I had served several years before and unexpectedly knocked at the door of a nice Spanish family who had began studying with me and later became JWs. They welcomed me, we had a very free discussion and they agreed with me. A few days later I wrote to them and received a heartbreaking response: "You haven't any friend anymore in Jehovah's people."

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